Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

2000 Nama Bayi Wanita Islam Pilihan

Memberi nama yang baik bagi bayinya adalah kewajiban setiap orang tua. Berikut daftar 2000 nama-nama bayi wanita islam pilihan, mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi referensi dalam memberi nama pada bayi wanita Anda.

Nama bayi wanita Islam ini di urutkan Berdasarkan Abjad :
A'ishah : Istri Nabi (SAW) (Wife of the Prophet (SAW))
A'shadieeyah : Putri, imut, sempurna (Princess, cute, perfect)
Aa'idah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Aabidah : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Aabirah : Sekilas, sementara, fana (Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral)
Aabish : Putri Sa'ad yang adalah seorang ratu Iran (AN) (Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN))
Aadila : Hanya, Jujur, Equal, Tegak (Just, Honest, Equal, Upright)
Aaeedah : Mengunjungi, yang kembali berkunjung, Reward (Visiting, Returning, Reward)
Aaeesha : Kehidupan, Vivaciousness, Hidup Sejahtera (Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous)
Aafreeda : Dibuat, Diproduksi (Created, Produced)
Aafreen : Berani, Acclaim (Brave, Acclaim)
Aakifah : Setia, Dedicated (Devoted, Dedicated)
Aala : Karunia (Bounties)
Aaleyah : Ta'ala berdiri, sosial tertinggi (Exalted, Highest social standing)
Aalia : Exhalted, Noble (Exhalted, Noble)
Aalimah : Scholar, Kewenangan (Scholar, Authority)
Aaliyah : Tinggi, Menjulang (Tall, Towering)
Aamaal : Harapan, Aspirasi, Wishes (Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes)
Aamanee : Baik inginkan (Good wish)
Aamilah : Pelaku (baik) perbuatan, Benar (Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous)
Aaminah : Aman, Aman (Secured, Safe)
Aamira : Imperial, melimpah, dihuni (Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited)
Aanisah : Muda wanita, Maiden (Young lady, Maiden)
Aaqilah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Aara : Memuja (Adoring)
Aarifah : Mengetahui, Wanita yang mengakui Islam (Knowing, Women who recognises Islam)
Aasia : Hope (Hope)
Aasimah : Protector, terdakwa, pusat (Protector, defendant, central)
Aatifa : Kasih sayang, simpati (Affection, Sympathy)
Aatikah : Dermawan (Generous)
Aatiqah : Bahu (dukungan) tua (Shoulder (support) old)
Aatirah : Harum (Fragrant)
Abasah : Putri al-Mahdi (Daughter of al-Mahdi)
Abda : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abeedah : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abeer : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Abeera : Campuran aroma kelopak Rose dan Sundal (The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal)
Abeerah : Rose, Saffron Sandal dicampur dalam wewangian (Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance)
Abia : Besar (Great)
Abida : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abidah, Abida : Penyembah (Worshipper)
Abir : Serius, indah (Serious, beautiful)
Abir, Abeer : Fragrance, parfum (Fragrance, perfume)
Ablah : Sempurna (Perfectly formed)
Ablah, Abla, Ablaa : Sempurna (Perfectly formed)
Abqurah : Genius (Genius)
Abra : Contoh, pelajaran (Example, lesson)
Abrar : Dikhususkan untuk Tuhan (Devoted to God)
Ad'ifaah : Cerdas, berbakat (Smart, talented)
Adara : Perawan (Virgin)
Adawiyah : Musim panas tanaman (Summer plant)
Adeeba : Budidaya, Sopan (Cultured, Polite)
Adeela : Sama (Equal)
Adeelah : Hanya (Just)
Adeena : Saleh, semoga sukses (Pious, good luck)
Adeeva : Menyenangkan, Lembut (Pleasant, Gentle)
Adiba : Nah, santun, berbudaya, sopan; penulis (Well, mannered, cultured, polite; writer)
Adila : Kehakiman (Justice)
Adilah, Adila, Adeela : Sama, adil, jujur (Equal, just, honest)
Adn : Firdaus (Paradise)
Afaf : Suci, berbudi luhur, sopan, murni (Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure)
Afeefa : Suci (Chaste)
Afeerah : Ditutup dengan tanah atau debu (Covered with soil or dust)
Afia : Jauh dari semua Masalah (Away from all Problems)
Afifa : Rapi wanita (Neat lady)
Afifah : Murni, sederhana (Chaste, modest)
Afiyah : 'Kesehatan', bebas dari penyakit dan kesedihan ('Health', free from illness and grief)
Afizah : Seseorang yang tahu pembacaan qur'an tersebut (A person who knows the recital of the qur'an)
Afnan : Pohon cabang atau ranting (Tree branches or twigs)
Afra : Debu berwarna (Dust-coloured)
Afra, Afraa : Putih (White)
Afrah : Perayaan, festival (Celebrations, festivals)
Afreen : Friendly (Friendly)
Afsa : Nabi Muhammad (saw) istri (Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife)
Afsana : Cerita (Story)
Afshan : Perhiasan bantu (Adornment aids)
Afsheen : Bersinar seperti bintang (Shine like a star)
Afya : Bayangan (Shadows)
Ahd : Sumpah, komitmen, delegasi (Pledge, commitment, delegation)
Ahdia : Unik, The One (Unique, The One)
Ahlam : Witty, imajinatif; orang yang memiliki mimpi yang menyenangkan (Witty, imaginative; one who has pleasant dreams)
Aidah : Mengunjungi, yang kembali berkunjung, Reward, Sekarang (Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present)
Aidah, Aida : Mengunjungi, kembali; hadiah (Visiting, returning; reward)
Aighar : Dia adalah seorang wanita, agama yang benar (She was a religious, righteous woman)
Aila : Noble (Noble)
Aimal : Hope (Hope)
Aimen : Kebanyakan mengucapkan selamat (Most Congratulated)
Ain : Mata, sehingga "berharga" (Eye, thus "precious")
Ain alsaba : Harta mata (Treasure of the eye)
Aini : Musim semi, bunga, sumber, pilihan (Spring, flower, source, choice)
Aisha : Kehidupan, Vivaciousness, Hidup Sejahtera, istri termuda Nabi Muhammad (saw) (Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))
Aiza : Noble (Noble)
Ajeebah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Ajradah : Al-Ameeh, adalah seorang pemuja besar yang menyembah panjang di malam hari kadang-kadang sampai ke fajar (AN) (Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (AN))
Ajwa : Nama tanggal di Saudia Arabia Pohon yang ditanam Kudus Prohpet (saw) (Name of a date in Saudia Arabia Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH))
Akia : Suster (Sister)
Akifah : Intent, sibuk (Intent, busy)
Akilah : Cerdas, logis, orang yang alasan (Intelligent, logical, one who reasons)
Akleema : Indah Salah satu putri Adam (AS) (Beautiful One of the daughters of Adam (AS))
Alaia : Berbudi luhur (Virtuous)
Aleemah : Mengetahui, Diketahuinya (Knowing, Knowledgeable)
Aleena : Sutra dari surga (Silk of heaven)
Aleeza : Joy (Joy)
Alhena : Sebuah cincin, (Sebuah bintang di konstelasi Gemini) (A ring; (A star in the constellation Gemini))
Alia : Indah (Beautiful)
Alika : Mencintai (Love)
Alima : Bijaksana (Wise)
Alimah : Terampil dalam musik atau tari (Skilled in music or dance)
Alina : Indah Tidak diverifikasi (Beautiful Not verified)
Alishba : Cantik (Pretty)
Aliyah : Ta'ala, mulia (Exalted, noble)
Aliyah, Aliyyah, Alia, Alia : Exaulted, tinggi, status sosial tertinggi (Exaulted, elevated, highest social standing)
Alleyah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Alma : Apple (Apple)
Almas : Berlian (Diamond)
Alraaz : Misteri (Mystery)
Altaf : Kebaikan, kesopanan (Kindness, politeness)
Aludra : Perawan (Virgin)
Alya : Keagungan (Loftiness)
Alzubra : (Sebuah bintang di konstelasi Leo) ((A star in the constellation Leo))
Amah : Putri Khalid bin Saeed (Daughter of Khalid bin Saeed)
Amal : Harapan, aspirasi (Hope, aspiration)
Amal, Amal, Aamal, Amala : Harapan, aspirasi (Hope, aspiration)
Amala : Harapan, Aspirasi (Hopes, Aspirations)
Aman : Keamanan, perdamaian, keamanan (Security, peace, safety)
Amana : Setia, percaya (Faithful, to believe)
Amani : Keinginan, aspirasi (Wishes, aspirations)
Amany : Sebuah keinginan (A Wish)
Amara : Abadi kecantikan, berita mendesak (Eternal beauty, urgent news)
Amatullah : Wanita hamba Allah (Female servant of Allah)
Amaya : Malam Hujan (Night Rain)
Ambar : Ambergris (Ambergris)
Amber : Permata (Jewel)
Ambereen : Fragarance, kuning, langit (Fragarance, amber, sky)
Ambreen : Sky (Sky)
Ameenah : Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthy)
Ameera : Noble wanita, putri (Noble lady, princess)
Amelia : Dapat dipercaya, indah (Trustworthy, beautiful)
Amilah : Penuh harapan (Hopeful)
Amina : Jujur (Honest)
Aminah : Dapat dipercaya, setia (Trustworthy, faithful)
Aminah, Amineh, Ameena : Dapat dipercaya, setia, aman; nama ibu dari Nabi (Trustworthy, faithful, secure; name of the mother of the Prophet)
Amira : Princess (Princess)
Amirah : Kerajaan wanita, Putri (Royal lady, Princess)
Amirah, Ameera : Putri, pemimpin (Princess, leader)
Amjad : Keindahan, kemegahan (Magnificence, splendor)
Ammarah : Penduduk (An inhabitant)
Amna : Perdamaian (Peace)
Amra : Princess (Princess)
Amrah : Tutup kepala (Headgear)
Amreen : Sky (Sky)
Amsah : Ramah; perusahaan yang baik (Friendly; of good company)
Amtullah : Wanita hamba Allah (Female servant of Allah)
Ana : Prestise, penghormatan diri (Prestige, self respect)
Anah : Kesabaran, keuletan (Patience, perseverence)
Anam : Hadir (Present)
Anan : Awan (Clouds)
Anan, Anaan : Awan-awan (Clouds)
Anaum : Berkat Allah (The blessing of Allah)
Anbar : Parfum, ambergris (Perfume, ambergris)
Anbarin : dari ambergris (of ambergris)
Andalib : Nightingale (Nightingale)
Aneeqa : Indah (Beautiful)
Aneesa : Dekat, intim, friendly (Close, intimate, friendly)
Aneezah : Dia-Kambing (She-Goat)
Angbin : Madu (Honey)
Anida : Keras kepala (Obstinate)
Anika : Sangat unik (Very unique)
Anisa : Friendly (Friendly)
Anisah : Dekat, intim, friendly (Close, intimate, friendly)
Anisah, Aneesa : Dekat, intim teman, baik (Close, intimate, good friend)
Anjum : Bintang (Stars)
Anmar : Leopard (Leopard)
Annam : Allah Berkat (God's Blessing)
Anniyah : Kepedulian, mencintai (Concern, loving)
Anum : Berkat dewa, dewa hadiah (Blessing of god, gods gift)
Anwara : Ray of Light (Ray of Light)
Aqeelah : Wise, Sensible (Wise, Sensible)
Aqilah : Istri, pasangan, yang terbaik, pick (Wife, spouse; the best, the pick)
Aqsa : Nama masjid (Name of a mosque)
Ara : Pendapat (Opinions)
Aram : Tanda-tanda, bendera (Signs, flags)
Areebah : Cerdas, pintar (Witty, smart)
Areej : Keharuman bunga dari pohon jeruk (The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree)
Aresha : Di bawah payung (Under an umbrella)
Arfa : Kebesaran (Greatness)
Aribah : Wise (Wise)
Arij : Bau manis (Sweet Smell)
Arij, Areej : Fragrance bau, manis (Fragrance, sweet smell)
Arisha : Mulia (Highness)
Arissa : Cerah (Bright)
Arjumand : Mulia, mulia (Noble, Honourable)
Aroob : Mencintai kepada suaminya (Loving to her husband)
Aroosa : Bride (Bride)
Aroush : Malaikat surga (Angel of paradise)
Arub : Mencintai (untuk suami) (Loving (to husband))
Arub, Aroob : Mencintai kepada suaminya (Loving to her husband)
Arwa : Gunung kijang (Mountain gazelle)
Arya : Noble (Noble)
Aryisha : Di bawah pohon / umberalla (Under tree/umberalla)
Arzo : Hope (Hope)
Arzu : Ingin, berharap, cinta (Wish, hope, love)
Asalah : Bangsawan keturunan (Nobility of descent)
Asbah : Murni (seperti air) (Pure (as water))
Ashalina : Manis, selalu hidup, pemalu, penuh kasih (Sweet, always living, shy, loving)
Asheeyana : Rumah, sarang (House, nest)
Ashika : Cinta (Love)
Ashwaq : Cinta, kasih sayang (Love, affections)
Asifa : Agenda (Organiser)
Asil : Halus (Smooth)
Asilah : Noble asal, murni (Noble origin, pure)
Asima : Protector (Protector)
Asimah, Asima : Pelindung (Protector)
Asiya : Istri Muslim Firaun (The Muslim wife of Pharaoh)
Asiya, Asiyah : Orang yang cenderung ke yang lemah, yang menyembuhkan, kenyamanan, konsol (One who tends to the weak, one who heals, comforts, consoles)
Asma : Loftier, lebih terkemuka (Loftier, more eminent)
Asma, Asma, Asmaa : Sangat baik, mulia, terkemuka, mulia; putri Abu Bakar (Excellent, lofty, eminent, precious; daughter of Abu Bakr)
Asmara : Indah kupu-kupu (Beautiful butterfly)
Asmat : Murni, Bersih (Pure, Clean)
Asna : Yang satu untuk diakui atau dipuji (The one to be acknowledged or praised)
Asra : Perjalanan pada malam hari (Travel by night)
Asrar : Rahasia (Secrets)
Asriyah : Modernis (Modernist)
Ateefa : Kasih sayang, simpati (Affection, Sympathy)
Ateeqah : Lama Kuno (Old Ancient)
Athilah : Berakar, kokoh (Deep-rooted, firmly established)
Athir : Disukai, disukai (Favored, preferred)
Athmah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Atia : Hadiah (Gift)
Atifa : Kasih sayang, simpatik (Affectionate, sympathetic)
Atifah, Atifa : Kasih sayang, penuh kasih, simpatik (Affectionate, compassionate, sympathetic)
Atikah, Atika : Virgin, murni, jelas (Virgin, pure, clear)
Atiya : Hadiah (Gift)
Atiyah, Atiya : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Atyaf : Fantasi (Fantasies)
Awa : Indah malaikat, malam (Beautiful angel, night)
Awatif : Emosi (Emotions)
Aya : Frase dari Al-Qur'an suci (Phrase from the holy Quran)
Ayaat : Banyak tanda-tanda & bukti, ayat-ayat dalam Quran (Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran)
Ayana : Beruntung hari, baik, hari penghakiman (Lucky, good day, day of judgement)
Ayat : Quran ayat-ayat, bukti-bukti yang jelas, tanda-tanda Allah (Quranic verses, clear evidences, signs of God)
Ayesha : Sumur (Well of)
Ayishah : Hidup, sejahtera; istri termuda Nabi (Living, prosperous; youngest wife of the Prophet)
Aymen : Suci, Berani nama, Tua Saudi (Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia)
Ayra : Terhormat (Respectable)
Ayshah : Istri Nabi Suci (SAW) (Wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW))
Az-zahra : Sangat baik dan cerdas (Excellent and smart)
Azadeh : Princess (Princess)
Azeemah : Besar (Great)
Azeeza : Terhormat, berharga, dihargai (Esteemed, precious, cherished)
Azhar, Azhaar : Bunga, bunga (Flowers, blossoms)
Aziman : Langit, surga (Sky, heaven)
Azizah : Terhormat, berharga, dihargai (Esteemed, precious, cherished)
Azizah, Aziza, Azeeza : Berharga, dihargai, dicintai, Sayang (Precious, cherished, beloved, dear)
Azka : Saleh (Pious)
Azra : Maiden, saleh, Wanita (Maiden, Pious, Woman)
Azraa : Unpierced mutiara (Unpierced pearl)
Azzah : Kijang muda, perempuan (Young, female gazelle)
Azzah, Azza : Muda, perempuan kijang (Young, female gazelle)

Badia : Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, Mengagumkan, unik (Unprecedented, Admirable, Unique)
Badiah, Badia : Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, menakjubkan, mengagumkan, unik (Unprecedented, amazing, admirable, unique)
Badiyah : Desert (Desert)
Badra : Purnama (Full moon)
Badriyah : Menyerupai bulan purnama (Resembling the full moon)
Badriyah, Badriyyah, Badriya : Menyerupai bulan purnama (Resembling the full moon)
Baha : Nilai, Worth (Value, Worth)
Bahia : Senang (Nice)
Bahijah : Megah, indah (Magnificent, splendid)
Bahira : Mempesona, cemerlang (Dazzling, brilliant)
Bahirah, Bahira, Baheera : Mempesona, cemerlang wanita, mulia (Dazzling, brilliant, noble lady)
Bahiya : Cantik, Radiant (Beautiful, Radiant)
Bahiyah, Bahiya, Bahiyaa : Indah, berseri-seri (Beautiful, radiant)
Bahiyyah : Radiant, indah (Radiant, beautiful)
Bakht : Lot, Takdir, Bagian (Lot, Fate, Portion)
Bakhtawar : Beruntung, Lucky (Fortunate, Lucky)
Balqees : Dia adalah putri dari Ahmad bin Mishqar (She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar)
Balqis : Nama Ratu Sheba (Name of the Queen of Sheba)
Balsam : Balsam, balsem (Balsam, balm)
Banafsha : Putri Abdullah al-Rumiyah (Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah)
Banan : Halus, jari Tips (Delicate, finger tips)
Banujah : Putri al-Mahdi (The daughter of al-Mahdi)
Baraah : Kemurnian (Innocence)
Barakah, Baraka : Berkah; putih satu (Blessing; white one)
Bareerah : Saleh; (Pious;)
Bariah : Unggul (Excelling)
Bariah, Baraaa : Unggul (Excelling)
Barika : Mekar, sukses (Bloom, be successful)
Barirah : Beriman dan bertaqwa (Faithful and devoted)
Barrah : Dia adalah wunt Nabi (SAW), (She was the wunt of the Prophet (SAW),)
Barzah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Basaaria : Cantik, Sebelum (Beautiful, Prior)
Basbas : dia cantik dan memiliki suara melodeons (she was beautiful and had a melodeons voice)
Baseema : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Bashair : Kabar baik, pertanda baik (Good news, good omens)
Basheera : Pembawa kabar gembira, Joy (Bringer of good tidings, Joy)
Bashirah : Pembawa kabar gembira, sukacita (Bringer of good tidings, joy)
Bashirah, Basheera : Pembawa kabar gembira, sukacita (Bringer of good tidings, joy)
Basilah : Berani (Brave)
Basimah : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Basimah, Baseema : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Basinah : Kitty, kucing (Kitty, kitten)
Basmah : Senyum (A smile)
Basmah, Basma : Senyum (A smile)
Basoos : Dia adalah putri dari Munziq at-Tamimah (AN) (She was the daughter of Munziq at-Tamimah (AN))
Batinah : Tersembunyi, Dalam (Hidden, Inner)
Batool : Seorang wanita benar pemuja Allah (A true devotee woman of Allah)
Batrisyia : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Batul, Batool : Pertapa perawan (Ascetic virgin)
Bayan : Kejelasan, kefasihan (Clearness, eloquence)
Baysan : berjalan dengan bangga (to walk with pride)
Beena : Melihat, jelas terlihat (Seeing, clear sighted)
Bilqis : Ratu Sheeba (Queen of Sheeba)
Bilqis, Bilqees : Ratu Sheeba (Queen of Sheeba)
Binesh : Pintar (Clever)
Binish : Pintar, Cerdas (Clever, Intelligent)
Birrah : Baik Akta (Good Deed)
Bisar : Remaja (Adolescent)
Bisharah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Bisma : Tersenyum (Smile)
Budur : Kendali bulan (Full moons)
Buhaysah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Buhaysah, Buhaisah : Berjalan dengan bangga (Walking with pride)
Buhayyah : Nama budak perempuan dibebaskan (The name of a freed female slave)
Buhjah : Joy, menyenangkan (Joy, delight)
Buhthah : Bahagia, senang ketika melihat orang lain (Happy, delighted when seeing others)
Bunanah : Yazid al-Abshamiyah putri (Yazid al-Abshamiyah's daughter)
Buqayrah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Burdah : Dia adalah al-Suraymiyah, dan penyembah sangat berbakti (She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper)
Bushra : Baik pertanda, kabar baik (Good omen, good news)
Busr : Dimasak tanggal; bintang, tinggi (Unripened dates; star, height)
Busrah : Dia adalah seorang teman yang tinggal sampai era Muawiyah (She was a companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah)
Buthaynah : Tubuh yang indah dan lembut (Of beautiful and tender body)
Buthaynah, Buthainah, Buthayna : Tubuh yang indah dan lembut (Of beautiful and tender body)

Cala : Benteng (Castle)
Cantara : Kecil jembatan (Small bridge)
Chaman : Taman, dari Bahasa Urdu (Garden, from Urdu Language)
Chanda : Bulan cahaya (Moon light)
Chandni : Bulan cahaya (The moon's light)

Daania : Indah (Beautiful)
Dad : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Dafiyah : Narator Hadis (Narrator of Hadith)
Dahab : Emas (Gold)
Dahma : dia unggul dalam tata bahasa dan sastra dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang ilmu-ilmu lainnya dan seni (AN) (she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of other sciences and arts (AN))
Dalal : Diperlakukan atau disentuh dalam jenis dan cara mencintai (Treated or touched in a kind and loving way)
Daleela : Panduan, Bukti (Guide, Proof)
Daliya : Dahlia (Dahlia)
Daliyah : Tanaman anggur (Grape vine)
Daneen : Princess (Princess)
Daniyah : Lebih dekat, lebih dekat (Closer, nearer)
Darakhshaan : Shinning (Shinning)
Daria : Belajar, mengetahui (Learned, knowing)
Deeba : Ketaatan (Obedience)
Deema : Hujan Cloud (Rainy Cloud)
Dema : Awan Hujan (The Rainy Cloud)
Dhakirah : Orang yang mengingat Allah sering (One who remembers God frequently)
Dhakiyah : Bright, cerdas (Bright, intelligent)
Dhuka : Nama matahari (Name of the sun)
Dilshad Khatoon : Dia hidup antara 730-750 (She lived between 730-750)
Dimah : Awan yang membawa air hujan (Cloud which carries rainwater)
Dina : Cinta (Love)
Diqrah : Seorang narator hadits (A narrator of hadith)
Diyanah : Agama (Religion)
Doaa : Berdoa (Pray)
Dua : Doa (Prayer)
Duaa : Doa (Prayer)
Duha, Dhuha : Pagi hari (Forenoon)
Dunyana : Dunia kita (Our world)
Durar : Mutiara (Pearls)
Durdanah : Pearl (Pearl)
Durrah : Mutiara (Pearl)
Durriyah : Bersinar, cerah (Shining, bright)

Eiliyah : Yang indah tumbuh dalam damai dan cinta dengan Allah (The beautiful one to grow in peace and love with God)
Eimaan : Iman (Faith)
Eiman : Iman (Faith)
Eliza : Unik, berharga (Unique, precious)
Elma : Apple (Apple)
Eman : Iman (Faith)
Erina : Indah wanita (Beautiful lady)
Ermina : Friendly (Friendly)
Erum : Surga (Heaven)
Eshal : Nama bunga di langit (The name of flower in the heaven)
Ezzah : Seseorang yang memberikan kehormatan, rasa hormat (A person who gives the honour, respect)

Fadeelah : Keunggulan (Superiority)
Fadila : Tampan, menarik (Good looking, attractive)
Fadilah : Distinguished, belajar (Distinguished, learned)
Fadilah, Fadheela : Budiman, luar biasa, unggul, berbudaya dan halus (Virtuous, outstanding, superior, cultured and refined)
Fadiyah : Penebus, mengorbankan diri (Redeemer, self sacrificing)
Fadwa : Nama berasal dari pengorbanan diri (Name derived from self sacrifice)
Fadwah : Nama berasal dari pengorbanan diri (Name derived from self-sacrifice)
Faeezah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Fahdah, Fahada : Macan tulul betina (Leopardess)
Faheemah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahima : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahimah : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Fahmida : Cerdas dan Bijaksana (Intelligent and Wise)
Faiqa : Superior, Posisi (Superior, Outstanding)
Faiqah : Melampaui, sangat baik (Surpassing, excellent)
Fairuzah : Sebuah permata mulia (A precious gem)
Faiza : Keuntungan (Gain)
Faizah : Sukses (Successful)
Faizah, Faiza : Menang, pemenang (Victorious, winner)
Fajr : Fajar, pagi doa (Dawn, morning prayer)
Fakeehah : Ceria (Cheerful)
Fakhirah : Splendid, Elegan (Splendid, Elegant)
Fakhra : Baik, baru (Good, new)
Fakhriyah : Kehormatan (Honorary)
Fakhtah : Sebuah merpati (A dove)
Fakihah : Buah (Fruit)
Falak : Bintang (Star)
Falaknaz : Sky (Sky)
Falaq : Istirahat fajar (Break of dawn)
Falisha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Fanan : Pohon cabang atau ranting (Tree branch or twig)
Faqirah : Nama seorang wanita cantik (istri dari Murrah al-Asadi) (Name of a beautiful woman (wife of Murrah al-Asadi))
Fara : Sunset (Sunset)
Farah : Joy, keceriaan (Joy, cheerfulness)
Faraza : Sukses, tinggi (Success, height)
Fareedah : Unik berharga permata (Unique precious gem)
Fareeha : Joyful, Happy (Joyful, Happy)
Fareess : Kehidupan (Life)
Farha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Farhah : Lincah (Lively)
Farhana : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Farhanah : Senang (Happy)
Farhat : Cheer, Pleasure (Cheer, Pleasure)
Farheen : Gembira (Jubilant)
Faria : Indah, baik dan penuh kasih (Beautiful, kind and loving)
Farida : Unik, tak ada taranya (Unique, Matchless)
Faridah : Unik, tak tertandingi permata, berharga (Unique, matchless, precious gem)
Faridah, Fareeda : Unik, tak tertandingi mutiara, berharga atau permata (Unique, matchless, precious pearl or gem)
Fariha : Menyenangkan (Joyous)
Farihah : Cepat, Swift (Brisk, Swift)
Farihah, Fareeha : Senang, gembira, ceria, senang (Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad)
Fariza : Cahaya (Light)
Farizah : Lengkungan (Arch)
Farkhandah : Happy Lucky (Happy, Lucky)
Farqad : Nama bintang (Name of a star)
Faryat : Delightful matahari bersinar (Delightful sun-shine)
Farzana : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Faseehah : Fasih (Eloquent)
Faseelah : Jarak tertentu (Some distance)
Fathima : Putri Nabi (saw) (Daughter of the Prophet (PBUH))
Fathiya : Joy, Kebahagiaan, awal baru (Joy, Happiness, new begining)
Fathiyah : Awal (Beginning)
Fatihah : Membuka (Opening)
Fatim : Seorang wanita layak pujian ut-paling (A woman worthy of the ut-most praise)
Fatimah : Sebuah putri Nabi (SAW) (A daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Fatimah, Fatima : Membiasakan; putri Nabi (Accustom; daughter of the Prophet)
Fatin : Menawan, memikat, Memikat (Captivating, Alluring, Enchanting)
Fatin or Fatinah : Menarik, menawan, memikat, mempesona (Fascinating, captivating, alluring, enchanting)
Fatinah : Menawan, memikat, cerdas (Captivating, alluring, intelligent)
Fauzia : Sukses, Pemenang (Succesful, Victorious)
Fawz : Kemenangan atau kesuksesan (Victory or success)
Fawzah, Fawza : Sukses (Success)
Fawziyah : Sukses (Successful)
Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia : Sukses, menang (Successful, victorious)
Fayha : Harum (Fragrant)
Fayruz : Pirus (Turquoise)
Fazzilet : Berkat Allah (Blessings of Allah)
Feerozah : Sebuah batu berharga (A precious stone)
Feiyaz : Sukses (Successful)
Fellah : Arab melati (Arabian jasmine)
Femida : Wise (Wise)
Fida : Penebusan (Redemption)
Fiddah : Perak (Silver)
Fikriyah : Intelektual (Intellectual)
Fir : Sebuah senjata tajam (A sharp weapon)
Firdaus : Jannat, taman tertinggi di surga (Jannat, Highest garden in paradise)
Firdaws : Tertinggi taman di surga (Highest garden in Paradise)
Firdaws, Firdoos : Tertinggi taman di surga (Highest garden in Paradise)
Firdous : Garden (Garden)
Firdowsa : Tertinggi taman surga (Highest garden of paradise)
Firyal : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Fiza : Angin (Wind)
Fozia : Sukses dan menang (Successful and victorious)
Foziah : Sukses (Successful)
Fudayl : Pelajari, Cendekia (Learned, Scholar)
Furat : Manis air (Sweet water)
Furayah : Tampan, Well-built (Handsome, Well-built)
Fusaylah : Jarak tertentu (Some distance)
Fuseelah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Futun : Fascinations (Fascinations)

Gazala : Cerdas, menawan (Intelligent, charming)
Ghadah : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghadah, Ghaada : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghadir : Aliran (Stream)
Ghalibah : Dominan (Dominant)
Ghaliyah : Wangi, dicintai, berharga (Fragrant, beloved, valuable)
Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya : Yang terhormat, tercinta, harum, mahal (Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive)
Ghaneemah : Rampasan, rampasan (Spoils, booty)
Ghania : Indah (Beautiful)
Ghaniyah : Cantik gadis, wanita cantik, kecantikan (Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty)
Gharam : Mencintai (Love)
Ghareebah : Aneh, asing (Strange, foreign)
Ghayda : Muda dan halus (Young and delicate)
Ghayda, Ghaydaa : Muda dan halus (Young and delicate)
Ghazal : Rayuan, kata-kata cinta (Flirt, words of love)
Ghazalah : Wanita kijang (Female gazelle)
Ghaziyah : Prajurit perempuan (Female Warrior)
Ghitbah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Ghizlan : Dari gazzalle (From gazzalle)
Ghufayrah : Ini adalah nama wanita yang sangat saleh yang tetap berjaga di malam hari (This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night)
Ghufran : Pengampunan, pengampunan (Forgiveness, pardon)
Ghunwah / Ghunyah : Sangat diperlukan (Indispensible)
Ghusoon : Cabang-cabang pohon (Branches of a tree)
Ghusun, Ghusoon : Cabang-cabang pohon (Branches of a tree)
Ghuzayyah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Gul-e-Rana : Harum mawar (Sweet-smelling rose)

Haajar : Keras seperti batu (Hard as a rock)
Hababah : Sebuah putri Ajlan; Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (A daughter of Ajlan; She was a narrator of Hadith)
Habiba : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang (Beloved, Sweetheart, Darling)
Habibah : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang (Beloved, sweetheart, darling)
Habibah, Habeeba : Kekasih, Sayang, Sayang, istri Nabi (Beloved, sweetheart, darling; a wife of the Prophet)
Haboos : Nama dari jenis dan wanita mulia baik hati yang tinggal di Libanon (Name of a kind and benevolent noble lady who lived in Lebanon)
Hadeel : untuk coo (seperti merpati) (to coo (like a dove))
Hadeeqa : Gorgeus (Gorgeus)
Hadeeqah : Garden (Garden)
Hadil : Apakah suara burung merpati (Is the voice of a dove)
Hadiyah : Panduan untuk kebenaran (Guide to righteousness)
Hadiyah, Haadiya : Panduan untuk kebenaran, tenang (Guide to righteousness, calm)
Hadiyyah : Hadiah (Gift)
Hafa : Lembut hujan (Gentle rain)
Hafizah : Waspada, sadar (Heedful, mindful)
Hafsah : Seorang istri Nabi (SAW) (A wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Hafsah, Hafsa : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Hafthah : Diawetkan, dilindungi (Preserved, protected)
Haifa, Hayfa : Ramping, tubuh yang indah (Slender, of beautiful body)
Hajar : Nama istri dari Ibrahim nabi (Name of the wife of the prophet Ibrahim)
Hajjah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hajna : Putri Nusayb, dia penyair a (Daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess)
Hajrah : Istri Nabi Ibrahim (AS) (The wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS))
Hakimah : Bijaksana, bijaksana (Wise, judicious)
Hala : Kemanisan (Sweetness)
Halah : Aureole (Aureole)
Halah, Haala : Lingkaran kekeramatan (Aureole)
Halima : Foster ibu dari Nabi Muhammad (SAW) (Foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (SAW))
Halimah : Lembut, sabar, ringan marah (Gentle, patient, mild-tempered)
Halimah, Haleema : Lembut, sabar, ringan marah; nama ibu menyusui Nabi (Gentle, patient, mild tempered; name of the Prophets nursing mother)
Hamdiyah : Orang yang memuji banyak (One who praises a lot)
Hameeda : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Hamidah : Memuji Allah, menghargai (Praising Allah, appreciative)
Hamidah, Hameeda : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Hamnah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hamra : Merah (Red)
Hana : Kebahagiaan, kebahagiaan (Happiness, bliss)
Hanan : Rahmat, kasih sayang lembut, penuh kasih, (Mercy; affectionate, loving, tender)
Hanfa : Nama istri Sayyidina Ismail (AS) (Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail (AS))
Haniah : kebahagiaan, kebahagiaan (of happiness, bliss)
Hanifa : Murni Muslim (Pure Muslim)
Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa : Benar percaya (True believer)
Hanin : Kerinduan, kerinduan (Longing, yearning)
Haniya : Senang; Selamat (Pleased; Happy)
Haniyah : Menyenangkan (Pleasant)
Haniyyah, Haniya : Senang, bahagia (Pleased, happy)
Hannah : Kasih sayang (Affection)
Hareem : Dinding House of Kabba (Walls of House of Kabba)
Hasibah : Yang terhormat, mulia (Respected, noble)
Hasinah : Cantik, indah (Pretty, beautiful)
Hasna : Cantik (Pretty)
Hasnah, Hasna, Hasna : Indah (Beautiful)
Hawa, Hawwa : Malam (Eve)
Hawadah : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Hawazin : Nama suku Arab (Name of an Arabic tribe)
Hawra : Memiliki mata dengan kontras hitam dan putih (Having eyes with a marked contrast of black and white)
Hawwa : Hawa (Eve)
Hayah : Kehidupan (Life)
Hayah, Hayat : Hidup (Life)
Hayam : Mengigau cinta (Deliriously in love)
Hayam, Hayaam : Mengigau cinta (Deliriously in love)
Hayat : Kehidupan (Life)
Hayed : Gerakan, gerakan (Movement, motion)
Hayfa : Ramping, tubuh indah (Slender, of beautiful body)
Hayrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Hayud : gunung (a mountain)
Hazar : Bulbul (Nightingale)
Hazimah : Seorang teman wanita Nabi (SAW) (A female companion of the Prophet (SAW))
Haziqah : Pintar, cerdas, cantik (Clever, intelligent, beautiful)
Hazirah : Bersihkan (Clean)
Heba : Hadiah (Gift)
Heela : Hope (Hope)
Hena : Seseorang yang sopan (Someone who is polite)
Henna : Mahakudus (Blessed)
Hessa : Takdir (Destiny)
Heyam : Salah satu tingkatan atau derajat cinta (One of the many levels or degrees of love)
Hiba : Hadiah (Gift)
Hibah : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Hibatullah : Karunia Allah (Gift of Allah)
Hibba : Hadiah dari Allah (Gift from Allah)
Hibbah : Pemberian Allah (Gift of God)
Hidayah : Bimbingan (Guidance)
Hidiyah : Sebagai One (As One)
Hifza : Pelindung malaikat (Protective angel)
Hijab : Putri seorang Scholar dari Baghdad (Daughter of a Scholar from Baghdad)
Hijrah : Migrasi (Nabi, dari Makkah ke Madinah) (Migration (of the Prophet, from Makkah to Madinah))
Hikmah, Hikmat : Kebijaksanaan (Wisdom)
Hind : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Hindah : Istri Abu Sufyan (Wife of Abu Sufyan)
Hira : Kegelapan (Darkness)
Hirah : Gunung Hirah (Mount Hirah)
Hiyam : Mencintai (Love)
Hoor : Seorang perawan gadis surga untuk penghuni (A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers)
Hooria : Malaikat Surga (Angel of Heaven)
Hooriya : Malaikat (Angel)
Horia : Angel (Angel)
Hubab : Tujuan, tujuan (Aim, goal)
Hubayshah : Dia penyair a (She was a poetess)
Hubba : Putri Malik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah (Daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah)
Huda : Kanan bimbingan (Right guidance)
Huda, Hooda : Tepat bimbingan (Right guidance)
Hudun : Untuk menjadi tenang (To become quiet)
Hujaymah : Menyerang (Attack)
Hujayrah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Hukaymah : Dia adalah putri dari Umaymah putri Ruqayqah (RA) (She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah (RA))
Hulyah : Perhiasan, ornamen, perhiasan (Jewelry, ornament, finery)
Huma : Burung yang membawa sukacita (Bird who brings joy)
Humaira : Dari kemerahan nama arti arab! (From the arabic name meaning reddish!)
Humairah, Humayrah : Dari kulit kemerahan; julukan Nabi berikan kepada Aishah istrinya (Of reddish complexion; nickname the Prophet gave to his wife Aishah)
Humaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Humayrah : Merah (Red)
Humera : Burung imajiner yang menjulang yang tertinggi (The imaginary bird who soars the highest)
Humra : Indah, Rose (Beautiful, Rose)
Hunaidah, Hunaydah : Kecil dari Hind (Diminutive of Hind)
Hunaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Hur : Perawan surga (Virgins of paradise)
Huriyah, Huriyyah, Hooriya : seorang bidadari, perawan surga (a Houri, virgin of paradise)
Hurya : seorang bidadari, perawan surga (a Houri, virgin of paradise)
Husn : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Husna : Yang paling indah (Most beautiful)
Husniya : Indah (Beautiful)
Husniyah : Indah (Beautiful)
Hutun : Awan dengan hujan (Clouds with rain)
Huwaidah, Huwaydah : Lemah lembut (Gentle)

Iba : Kebanggaan, rasa (Pride, sense)
Ibadah : Menyembah (Worship)
Ibthaj : Joy (Joy)
Ibtihaj : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj : Joy, menyenangkan (Joy, delight)
Ibtihal : Doa, doa (Supplication, prayer)
Ibtisam : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Idhar : Bulu halus (Fluff)
Iffah : Kemurnian, kesopanan (Purity, modesty)
Iffah, Iffat : Suci (Chaste)
Iffat : Kesucian (Chastity)
Ifra : Memberikan kebahagiaan (Giving happiness)
Iftikar : Pemikiran, kontemplasi (Thought, contemplation)
Iftikhar : Kebanggaan, kemuliaan (Pride, glory)
Ijaz : Ditiru dari Quran (Inimitability of the Quran)
Ijlal : Menghargai, menghormati (Respect, honor)
Ikhlas : Ketulusan (Sincerity)
Ikram : Kehormatan, perhotelan, kemurahan hati (Honour, hospitality, generosity)
Ikram, Ikraam : Kehormatan, keramahan, kemurahan hati (Honor, hospitality, generosity)
Ilham : Intuisi, inspirasi (Intuition, inspiration)
Ilham, Ilhaam : Intuisi (Intuition)
Ilhan : Respectfull, bagus, berharga (Respectfull, nice, precious)
Iman : Iman, kepercayaan (Faith, belief)
Imani : Iman, Kepercayaan (Faith, Belief)
Imthithal : Sopan ketaatan (Polite obedience)
Imtihal : Sopan, ketaatan (Polite, obedience)
Imtithal : Sopan ketaatan (Polite obedience)
In'am : Kebaikan, kebajikan, penganugerahan (Kindness, benefaction, bestowal)
Inam, Inaam : Kebaikan, kebajikan, penganugerahan (Kindness, benefaction, bestowal)
Inan : Seorang gadis budak milik Haroon al-Rasyid (FIH) (A slave girl belonging to Haroon al-Rashid (Fih))
Inas : Keramahan (Sociability)
Inaya : Kepedulian; perhatian (Concern; solicitude)
Inayah : Kepedulian (Concern)
Inayah, Inayat : Perawatan, perhatian (Care, concern)
Insaf : Keadilan, pemerataan (Justice, equity)
Insha : Penciptaan, originasi (Creation, origination)
Intessar : Kemenangan (Victory)
Intisar : Triumph (Triumph)
Intisar, Intisaar : Kemenangan (Triumph)
Iqra : Untuk membaca (To recite)
Iraj : Bunga (Flower)
Iram : Taman di surga (Garden in heaven)
Irem : Sebuah Taman di Surga (A Garden in Heaven)
Isa : Luas, murah hati (Spacious, generous)
Isad : Untuk membawa kebahagiaan, untuk memberikan bantuan (To bring happiness, to provide help)
Isaf : Pertolongan, bantuan (Relief, help)
Isar : Sangat menarik (Fascinating)
Isha : Malam Doa (Night Prayer)
Ishfaq : Kasih, kasih sayang (Compassion, affection)
Ishraq : Cahaya (Radiance)
Isir : Inspiritional, kuat (Inspiritional, strong)
Isma : Pengamanan (Safeguarding)
Ismah, Ismat : Kemurnian, kesederhanaan, infalibilitas (Purity, modesty, infallibility)
Ismat : Saleh (Pious)
Isra : Nocturnal perjalanan; (Nocturnal journey;)
Istabraq : Brocade (Brocade)
Istilah : Perjanjian (Agreement)
Itab : Kecaman (Censure)
Itaf : Jam (Clock)
Ithar : Preferensi (Preference)
Itidal : Kelurusan, kekencangan (Straightness, tautness)
Itimad : Reliance, dependencen (Reliance, dependencen)
Izdihar : Berkembang, mekar (Flourishing, blooming)
Izdihar, Izdihaar : Berkembang, mekar (Flourishing, blossoming)
Izma : Poistion Tinggi previledge, terhormat & kehormatan (Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour)
Izz an-Nisa : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Izzah : Mungkin, daya (Might, power)

Jabeen : Dahi (Forehead)
Jabirah : Penghibur, penghibur (Comforter, consoler)
Jabrayah : Cinta, hormat (Love, respect)
Jada : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Jadwa : Hadiah, sekarang (Gift, present)
Jahaan : Tanah (Land)
Jahan Aara : Perhiasan dunia (Adornment of the world)
Jahan Khatoon : Dia adalah seorang penyair Persia (She was a Persian poet)
Jahanara : Untuk bunga, untuk hidup (To flower, to live)
Jahdamah : Dia adalah seorang teman wanita dari Nabi (SAW) (She was a female companion of the Prophet (SAW))
Jahida : Membantu vulnarable (Helps the vulnarable)
Jahmyyllah : Indah satu (Beautiful one)
Jaiyana : Kekuatan (Strength)
Jala, Jala : Kejelasan, penjelasan (Clarity, elucidation)
Jalilah : Splendid, tinggi (Splendid, lofty)
Jameelah : Indah (Beautiful)
Jamila : Cantik, Anggun, Lovely (Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely)
Jamilah : Cantik, anggun (Beautiful, graceful)
Jamilah, Jameela : Cantik, anggun, indah (Beautiful, graceful, lovely)
Jammana : Pearl (Pearl)
Jana : Panen (Harvest)
Janan : Hati, Jiwa (Heart, Soul)
Janan, Janaan : Hati, jiwa (Heart, soul)
Jannah : Taman, surga (Garden, paradise)
Jaseena : Bagus Jantung (Nice Heart)
Jasmin : Bunga (Flower)
Jasmina : Bunga (Flower)
Jasrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Javairea : Misterius (Mysterious)
Jawa : Gairah, cinta (Passion, love)
Jawahir : Permata (Jewels)
Jawharah : Permata (Jewel)
Jawl : untuk bergerak bebas (to move freely)
Jawna : Matahari (The sun)
Jaza : Reward, kompensasi (Reward, compensation)
Jehaan : Kreatif pikiran (Creative mind)
Jehan : Bunga yang indah (Beautiful Flower)
Jemimah : Indah (Beautiful)
Jenna : Surga, surga (Heaven, Paradise)
Jennah : Surga (Paradise)
Jessenia : Bunga (Flower)
Jian : Kehidupan (Life)
Jihan : Sebuah sungai di Iran (A river in Iran)
Jilan : Pembujuk (Courtier)
Jinan : Gardens, surga (Gardens, paradise)
Johara : Permata (Jewel)
Jud : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
Judi : Nama sebuah gunung yang disebutkan dalam Quran (Name of a mountain mentioned in the Quran)
Juhainah, Juhaynah : Nama sebuah suku Arab (Name of an Arab tribe)
Juhanah : Gadis muda (Young girl)
Jumaana : Perak Pearl (Silver Pearl)
Juman : Mutiara (Pearl)
Jumanah, Jumaana : Perak mutiara (Silver pearl)
Jumaymah : Nama teman wanita (Name of a female companion)
Jumaynah : Gem, nama seorang teman wanita (Gem, name of a female companion)
Jun : Inlet, teluk, teluk (Inlet, bay, gulf)
Junah : Matahari (The sun)
Junnut : Surga (Heaven)
Juwairiyah, Juwayriyah : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Juwan : Parfum (Perfume)
Juwariyah : Dia adalah istri Nabi (SAW) (She was the wife of the Prophet (SAW))

Kabirah : Penatua, Big (Elder, Big)
Kadshah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Kaheesha : Ini adalah nama seorang putri, penyair al-Waqa (This was the name of a poetess, daughter of al-Waqa)
Kaleemah : Speaker (Speaker)
Kalila : Sayang, tercinta (Sweetheart, beloved)
Kamaliyah : Kesempurnaan (Perfection)
Kamilah : Sempurna, lengkap (Perfect, complete)
Kaneez : Slave (Slave)
Kanval : Bunga (Flower)
Kanwal : Water Lily (Water Lily)
Kanz : Harta karun (Treasure)
Kanza : Hidden Treasure (Hidden Treasure)
Kanzah : Harta karun (Treasure)
Karam : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
karawan : Berbagai jenis burung Cerek (Variety of plover birds)
Kardawiyah : Seorang wanita saleh, putri Amr al-Basriyah begitu namanya (A pious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so named)
Karida : Tak tersentuh (Untouched)
Karimah : Murah hati, mulia (Generous, noble)
Karimah, Kareema : Murah hati, mulia (Generous, noble)
Kas : Kaca (Glass)
Kashifah : Revealer Rahasia (Revealer of Secrets)
Kashish : Objek wisata (Attraction)
Kathirah : Plenty (Plenty)
Kaukab : Star (Star)
Kausar : Sungai di Janna (surga) (River in janna (paradise))
Kawakib : Satelit (Satellites)
Kawkab : Satelit (Satellite)
Kawthar : Sungai di surga (River in Paradise)
Kaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Kehkashan : Galaxy (Galaxy)
Khadeeja : Nabi pertama istri (Prophet's first wife)
Khadijah : Pertama istri Nabi (SAW) (First wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Khadijah, Khadeeja : Pertama istri Nabi (First wife of the Prophet)
Khalidah : Tinggal, Selamanya (Abiding, Forever)
Khalidah, Khalida : Abadi, kekal (Immortal, everlasting)
Khalilah : Teman baik (Good friend)
Khalisah : Tulus, murni (Sincere, pure)
Khansa : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Kharqa : Kuat, angin (Strong, wind)
Khatera : Memori (Memory)
Khatoon : Lady (Lady)
Khawlah : Wanita rusa (Female deer)
Khayrah : Bagus (Good)
Khayriyah : Amal, bagus (Charitable, good)
Khayriyah, Khayriyyah, Khairiya : Amal, dermawan, baik (Charitable, beneficent, good)
Khayriyyah : Amal (Charitable)
Khazanah : Harta karun (Treasure)
Khidrah : Green (Green)
Khitam : Kesimpulan (Conclusion)
Khudrah : Greenery (Greenery)
Khulaybah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair Arab (This was the name of an Arab poetess)
Khulud : Immorality (Immorality)
Khulud, Khulood : Keabadian, keabadian, infinity (Immortality, eternity, infinity)
Khusbakht : Lucky (Lucky)
Khuwaylah : Gazelle (Gazelle)
Khuzama : Lavender (Lavender)
Khuzamah : Lavender (Lavender)
Kifah : Berjuang (Struggle)
Kiswar : Wilayah (Territory)
Koila : Arang (Charcoal)
Komal : Indah (Beautiful)
Kuhaylah : Nama seorang wanita saleh yang adalah seorang pembicara yang baik (Name of a pious woman who was a good speaker)
Kulthum, Kulthoom : Putri Nabi (Daughter of the Prophet)
Kulus : Kejelasan, kemurnian (Clearness, purity)
Kunza : Tersembunyi harta karun (Hidden treasure)
Kuwaysah : Cantik (Pretty)
Kyda : Diawetkan, Kuat (Preserved, Strong)

Laaibah : Laaibah adalah wanita tercantik di seluruh jannats (langit) (Laaibah is the prettiest women in all the jannats (heavens))
Labibah : Masuk akal, cerdas (Sensible, intelligent)
Laiba : Malaikat surga (Angel of heaven)
Laila : Dari Night (Of the Night)
Lama : Kegelapan bibir (Darkness of lips)
Lamah : Kecerdasan (Brilliancy)
Lamees : Murni sutra (Pure silk)
Lamiah : Bersinar (Shine)
Lamis, Lamees : Lembut untuk disentuh (Soft to the touch)
Lamisah : Lembut untuk disentuh (Soft to the touch)
Lamya : Bibir gelap (Of dark lips)
Lamya, Lamya : Bibir gelap (Of dark lips)
Lana : untuk menjadi lembut, lembut, lembut (to be gentle, soft, tender)
Lanika : The Best (The Best)
Laraib : Tanpa ragu (Without a doubt)
Lashirah : Sangat cerdas (Very intelligent)
Latifa : Lembut Jenis Menyenangkan, Toleransi (Gentle Kind Pleasant, Friendly)
Latifah : Lembut, baik hati, menyenangkan, ramah (Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly)
Latifah, Lateefa : Lembut, baik hati, menyenangkan, ramah (Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly)
Layali : Malam (Nights)
Layan : Lembut dan lembut (Gentle and soft)
Layla : Lahir pada malam hari, keindahan gelap (Born at night, dark beauty)
Layla, Leila : (Lahir di) malam; pengangkatan, kegembiraan ((Born at) night; rapture, elation)
Layyah : Twist, lentur (Twist, Flexure)
Lazim : Penting, penting (Essential, imperative)
Leena : Tanaman kurma, lembut, ringan, grasi (Plant of dates, soft, mild, clemency)
Leila : Malam (Night)
Leilah : Malam (Night)
Liba : Terindah (Hoor dalam jannah) (Most Beautiful (Hoor in jannah))
Lina : Palm pohon (Palm tree)
Linah, Lina, Leena : Lembut (Tender)
Liyana : Kelembutan, kelembutan (Softness, tenderness)
Lu Luah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Lu'lu : Mutiara (Pearls)
Lubab : Bagian terbaik (The best part)
Lubabah : Inti terdalam (The innermost essence)
Lubabah, Lubaaba : Inti terdalam (The innermost essence)
Luban : Pine pohon; menunjukkan leher panjang (Pine tree; denotes long neck)
Lubanah : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Lubena : Kemurnian (Purity)
Lublubah : Kasih sayang, lembut (Affectionate, tender)
Lubna : Jenis pohon (Kind of tree)
Luja : dari kedalaman besar (of great depth)
Lujain, Lujayn : Perak (Silver)
Lujaina : Perak (Silver)
Lulu : Mutiara (Pearls)
Luluah, Lulwa : Mutiara (Pearl)
Lunah : Kurma (Date palm)
Lutfiyah : Halus, anggun (Delicate, graceful)

Ma'isah : Berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (Walking with a proud, swinging gait)
Maab : Tempat yang satu kembali (Place to which one returns)
Maahnoor : Cahaya bulan (Glow of Moon)
Maali : Noble hal (Noble things)
Mada : Utmost titik, tingkat (Utmost point, degree)
Madaniyah : Civilised, berbudaya (Civilised, cultured)
Madeeha : Praiseworty (Praiseworty)
Madhat : Pujian (Praise)
Madiha : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Madihah : Terpuji (Praiseworthy)
Madihah, Madeeha : Patut dipuji, terpuji (Praiseworthy, commendable)
Maha : Sapi liar; memiliki mata yang indah (Wild cow; has beautiful eyes)
Mahabbah : Cinta, kasih sayang (Love, affection)
Mahasin : Beauties (Beauties)
Mahbasah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Mahbubah : Tercinta (Beloved)
Mahdiya : Benar Dipandu Demi Allah (Rightly Guided By Allah)
Mahdiyah : Mendapat petunjuk (Rightly guided)
Mahek : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Mahfuzah : Yang dilindungi (The protected one)
Mahibah : Mulia, dihormati (Noble, respected)
Mahirah : Adept, Ahli (Adept, Expert)
Mahjabeen : Kuasa (Powerful)
Mahneerah : Pertama lahir dari sepasang (First born of a pair)
Mahnoor : Terang bulan (Light of the moon)
Mahreen : Cerah dan indah saat matahari (Bright and Beautiful as the sun)
Mahrosh : Sepotong bulan, menyenangkan (Piece of moon, pleasant)
Mahum : Moon Light (Moon's Light)
Mahveen : Cahaya Matahari (Light of the Sun)
Mahvish : Bulan-wajah (Moon-face)
Mahwish : Indah seperti bulan (Beautiful like the moon)
Maida : Indah (Beautiful)
Maimoona, Maymunah : Menguntungkan, diberkatilah; istri Nabi (Auspicious, blessed; a wife of the Prophet)
Maira : Moon (Moon)
Maisah, Maisa : Berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (Walking with a proud, swinging gait)
Maisarah : Kekayaan, Kekayaan (Wealth, Richness)
Maizah : Cerdas (Discerning)
Majidah : Mulia, mulia, terhormat (Glorious, noble, respected)
Majidah, Majida : Mulia (Glorious)
Makarim, Makaarim : Berkelakuan baik dan terhormat (Of good and honorable character)
Makhtooma : Nama penyanyi wanita dari masa lalu (Name of a female singer of the past)
Makhtoonah : Nama penyanyi dan seorang wanita cantik dari masa lalu (Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past)
Makkiyah : Dari Makkah (From Makkah)
Maladh : Perlindungan, tempat tinggal (Protection, shelter)
Malak : Malaikat (Angel)
Malakah : Bakat (Talent)
Malayeka : Angel (Angel)
Maleehah : Asin, Graceful warna, kecoklatan (Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour)
Maliha : Memuji (Praising)
Malika : Ratu (Queen)
Malikah : Ratu (Queen)
Malmal : Lunak (Soft)
Manab : Kekhalifahan, berbagi (Deputyship, share)
Manahil : Mata air segar (Spring of fresh water)
Manal : Pencapaian, prestasi (Attainment, achievement)
Manal, Manaal : Pencapaian, prestasi (Attainment, achievement)
Manar : Memandu cahaya (mercusuar) (Guiding light (lighthouse))
Manar, Manaar : Membimbing cahaya (Guiding light)
Manha : Karunia Allah (Gift of Allah)
Manhalah : Spring (Spring)
Mansurah : Pendukung, menang (Supporter, victorious)
Maqboolah : Seorang wanita mencatat masa lalu memiliki nama ini; Maqboolah Hanim (A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim)
Marah : Kebahagiaan, sukacita (Happiness, joy)
Maram : Aspirasi (Aspiration)
Maram, Maraam : Aspirasi (Aspiration)
Mardhiah : Orang yang dicintai dan dihormati oleh semua (One who is loved and respected by all)
Maria : Salah satu wifes 'dari Muhammad Nabi (saw) (One of the wifes' of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh))
Mariam, Maryam : Arab bentuk "Maria"; Bunda Yesus (Arabic form of "Mary"; Mother of Jesus)
Maridah : Seorang gadis budak Haroon Rashid memiliki nama ini (A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name)
Mariya : Kemurnian (Purity)
Mariyah : Adil kulit; nama istri Nabi (Fair complexion; name of the wife of the Prophet)
Marjanah : Berharga batu (Precious stone)
Marnia : Kaya dalam setiap aspek (Wealthy in every aspect)
Marwa : Sebuah gunung di Mekkah (A mountain in mekkah)
Marwah : sebuah gunung di Mekkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah) (a mountain in Makkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah))
Maryum : Bunda Isa (AS) (Mother of Isa (AS))
Marzuqah : Diberkati oleh Tuhan, beruntung (Blessed by God, fortunate)
Masabeeh : Lampu, Lampu (Lamps, Lights)
Masahir : Kuno Arab kecapi (Ancient Arabic lute)
Masarrah : Delight, sukacita (Delight, joy)
Mashel : Cahaya (Light)
Mashoodah : Terbukti (Evidenced)
Masoomah : Innocent (Innocent)
Mastura : Dilindungi (Protected)
Masudah, Masouda : Happy, beruntung, beruntung (Happy, lucky, fortunate)
Masumah : Innocent (Innocent)
Mateenah : Tegas, padat, ditentukan (Firm, Solid, determined)
Mawaddah : Kasih sayang, cinta, keramahan (Affection, love, friendliness)
Mawahib : Talenta (Talents)
Mawara : Superior (Superior)
Mawiyah : Cermin (The mirror)
Mawiyah, Mawiya : Inti dari kehidupan; cermin yang jelas (The essence of life; clear mirror)
May : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Mayameen : Yang terberkati, yang gagah berani (The blessed, the brave)
Mayeda : Buah dari surga, kain yang Anda makan di Surga (The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven)
Maymunah : Beruntung, diberkati, nama istri Nabi (Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of the Prophet)
Mays, Mais : Bangga kiprah (Proud gait)
Maysa : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (To walk with a proud, swinging gait)
Maysa, Maysaa : Berjalan dengan bangga (Walking with pride)
Maysam : Indah (Beautiful)
Maysan : bintang (a star)
Maysarah : Tangan kiri samping (Left hand side)
Maysoon : Indah wajah & tubuh (Beautiful face & body)
Maysun : Dari wajah cantik dan tubuh (Of beautiful face and body)
Maysun, Maysoon : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan, bangga ayun (To walk with a proud, swinging gait)
Mayyadah : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan berayun (To walk with a swinging gait)
Mayyadah, Mayyada : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan berayun (To walk with a swinging gait)
Mayyasah : Untuk berjalan dengan gaya berjalan bangga (To walk with a proud gait)
Medina : Kota suci Arab Saudi (Holy city of Saudi Arabia)
Mehek : Bau, aroma (Smell, fragrance)
Meher : Kebajikan (Benevolence)
Mehjabeen : Indah sebagai orang, bulan tercinta (Beautiful as the moon, beloved person)
Mehnaz : Prouded seperti bulan (Prouded like a moon)
Mehndi : Indah warna (Beautiful colour)
Mehr : Full Moon (Full Moon)
Mehreen : Mencintai alam (Loving nature)
Mehriban : Jenis, Lembut (Kind, Gentle)
Mehrish : Wonderfull bau (mehak) (Wonderfull smell(mehak))
Mehrnaz : Kebaikan dan rasa manis (Kindness and sweetness)
Mehrunisa : Cantik wanita (Pretty woman)
Mehvesh : Terang bulan (Light of the moon)
Mehvish : Bright Star (Bright Star)
Mehwish : Bulan, indah (Moon, beautiful)
Mersiha : Yang paling indah (The most beautiful)
Meymona : Baik Fortune (Good Fortune)
Mid'haa : Menghargai (Appreciate)
Midhaa : Menghargai (Appreciate)
Midhah : Pujian (Praise)
Mina : sebuah tempat di dekat Mekah (a place near Makkah)
Minaal : Untuk mencapai tujuan Anda (To reach your destination)
Minal : Hadiah, prestasi (Gift, achievement)
Minha : Hibah (Grant)
Minnah : Kebaikan, rahmat, berkat (Kindness, grace, blessing)
Mirah : Provisi, pasokan (Provisions, supply)
Misba : Innocent (Innocent)
Misha : Indah, Pretty (Beautiful, Pretty)
Mishael : Obor, cahaya (Torch, light)
Mishall : Lampu, indah, cantik (A light, beautiful, pretty)
Mishel : Sebuah Cahaya (A Light)
Miskeenah : Rendah hati (Humble)
Mohaddisa : Cerita teller (Story teller)
Mohga : Cahaya kebahagiaan (The light of happiness)
Momina : Setia, Sesungguhnya Percaya (Faithful, Truly Believing)
Mona : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Monera : Shinning cahaya, atau membimbing cahaya (Shinning light, or guiding light)
Mouna : Air (Water)
Mounia : Sebuah keinginan atau mimpi menjadi kenyataan (A wish or dream come true)
Mounira : Ini bersinar (It's shining)
Muazah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Muazzaz : Powerfull, kuat (Powerful, strong)
Mubarakah : Mahakudus (Blessed)
Mubashirah : Pembawa kabar baik (Bringer of good news)
Mubassirah : Orang yang komentar (One who comments)
Mubeenah : Salah satu yang membuat sesuatu yang jelas (One who makes something clear)
Mubin : Clear, jelas (Clear, obvious)
Mufiah : Taat, sesuai (Obedient, compliant)
Mufidah, Mufeeda : Berguna, bermanfaat, menguntungkan (Useful, helpful, beneficial)
Muhibbah : Penuh kasih (Loving)
Muhjah, Muhja : Hati darah, jiwa (Hearts blood, soul)
Muhsinah : Amal, baik hati (Charitable, benevolent)
Muizza : Para empowerer, honourer tersebut, penguat tersebut (The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener)
Mukarram : Terhormat (Honored)
Mukhlisah : Setia, setia (Devoted, faithful)
Mumayyaz : Terhormat (Distinguished)
Mumina : Gadis cantik, manis (Lovely, sweet girl)
Muminah : Saleh percaya (Pious believer)
Muna : Air (Water)
Muna, Mona : Ingin, keinginan (Wish, desire)
Munawar : Cerah (Bright)
Munawwar : Radiant, diterangi (Radiant, illuminated)
Munazzah : Suci, bersih, jujur (Sacred, clean, honest)
Muneerah : Splendid bersinar, terang cahaya, illuminous (Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous)
Munerah : Llluminating, Shining (Illuminating, Shining)
Muniba : Untuk berkonsultasi dengan Allah, dialihkan menuju Allah (To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah)
Munira : Cahaya, sinar matahari (Light, sunshine)
Munirah, Muneera : Llluminating, brilian (Illuminating, brilliant)
Munisa : Lembut, ramah (Gentle, friendly)
Munisah : Ramah (Friendly)
Muntaha : The, tingkat paling tertinggi (The utmost, highest degree)
Muqadaas : Kudus, Murni (Holy, Pure)
Muqbalah : Nama narator Hadis (Name of a narrator of Hadith)
Murdiyyah : Terpilih satu (Chosen one)
Murjanah : Kecil mutiara (Small pearl)
Murshidah : Panduan (Guide)
Muruj : Meadows (Meadows)
Musaddiqah : Salah satu yang menegaskan Kebenaran (One who affirms the Truth)
Musaykah : Dia meriwayatkan hadits dari Sayyidina Ayshah (She narrated hadith from Sayyidina Ayshah)
Mushirah, Musheera : Memberi nasihat, memberi nasihat (Giving counsel, advising)
Muskan : Senyum, Happy (Smile, Happy)
Muslimah : Taat beriman; menyerahkan diri kepada Allah (Devout believer; submitting oneself to God)
Musn : Hujan, awan (Rain, clouds)
Musnah : Hujan, awan (Rain, clouds)
Mussah : Dia meriwayatkan Hadis (She narrated Hadith)
Mussaret : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Musta'eenah : Satu yang berdoa untuk bantuan (One who prays for help)
Mutahharah : Dimurnikan, suci (Purified, chaste)
Mutazah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Muyassar : Difasilitasi, kaya, sukses (Facilitated, wealthy, successful)
Muzaynah : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Muznah : Awan yang membawa hujan (The cloud that carries the rain)
Mysha : Selamat untuk seluruh kehidupan (Happy for entire life)

Na'eemah : Joyful (Joyful)
Na'ilah : Acquirer, OBTAINER, pemenang (Acquirer, obtainer, winner)
Na'imah : Kenyamanan, ketenangan (Comfort, tranquillity)
Naa'irah : Bright, Cemerlang (Bright, Shining)
Naaz : Kebanggaan, keanggunan (Pride, elegance)
Naazneen : Indah (Beautiful)
Naba : Berita besar (Great News)
Nabeeha : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nabeelah : Noble (Noble)
Nabiha : Terkemuka, mulia, waspada, cerdas (Eminent, noble, alert, intelligent)
Nabihah : Cerdas, mulia, terkemuka (Intelligent, noble, eminent)
Nabihah, Nabeeha : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nabijah : Ambisius, Leader dan Brave (Ambitious, Leader and Brave)
Nabila : Kebahagiaan, kemurahan hati (Happiness, generosity)
Nabilah : Mulia, murah hati (Noble, magnanimous)
Nabilah, Nabeela : Mulia (Noble)
Nada : Generousity, embun (Generousity, dew)
Nadia : basah (dewy)
Nadidah, Nadeeda : Sama, saingan (Equal, rival)
Nadimah : Teman (Friend)
Nadirah : Langka, berharga (Rare, precious)
Nadirah, Nadira : Langka, berharga (Rare, precious)
Nadiyah : Pengumuman (Announcement)
Nadra : Langka, unik (Rare, unique)
Nadwah, Nadwa : Dewan, kedermawanan (Council, generosity)
Nadyne : Bunga (Flower)
Naeema : Enaknya, berkat (Ease, blessing)
Nafeesa : Berharga (Precious)
Nafiah : Menguntungkan (Profitable)
Nafisah : Berharga permata (Precious gem)
Nafisah, Nafeesa : Hal mulia, permata (Precious thing, gem)
Naflah : Surplus, meluap-luap (Surplus, overabundance)
Nageenah : Berharga Batu (Precious Stone)
Nagheen : Pearl (Pearl)
Nagina : Diamond (Diamond)
Nahal : Tanaman kecil (Small Plant)
Naheed : Terhormat (Honorable)
Nahid : Satu dengan penuh, payudara bulat (One with full, round breasts)
Nahida : Tinggi, menyenangkan (Elevated, delightful)
Nahidah, Naheeda : Besar (Big)
Nahla : Minum (Drink)
Nahlah, Nahla : Minuman air (A drink of water)
Nahleejah : Turun ke bumi, keren (Down to earth, cool)
Naifah : kebaikan dan kemurahan hati (kindness and generosity)
Nailah : Salah satu yang berhasil (One who succeeds)
Nailah, Naila : Acquirer, OBTAINER, seseorang yang berhasil (Acquirer, obtainer, one who succeeds)
Naimah, Naima : Kenyamanan, kemudahan, ketenangan, kedamaian, hidup, lembut menyenangkan (Comfort, amenity, tranquility, peace; living a soft, enjoyable life)
Nain : Mata (Eye)
Naina : Mata (Eyes)
Naira : Shinning, berkilauan (Shinning, glittering)
Najaf : Kota di irak (City in iraq)
Najah : Sukses, keselamatan (Success, safety)
Najah, Najaah : Sukses (Success)
Najat : Keselamatan (Safety)
Najdah : Keberanian, keberanian (Courage, bravery)
Najibah : Kelahiran mulia, dibedakan (Of noble birth, distinguished)
Najibah, Najeeba : Dibedakan; yang terpandang (Distinguished; of noble birth)
Najidah : Succour, Bantuan (Succour, Help)
Najihah : Kemenangan (Victory)
Najiyah : Aman (Safe)
Najla : Dari mata lebar (Of wide eyes)
Najmah : Bintang (Star)
Najwa : Rahasia bicara, bicara romantis, percakapan rahasia (Confidential talk, romantic talk, secret conversation)
Najya : Jaya (Victorious)
Nakhat : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Namar : Nama gunung (Name of a mountain)
Namyla : Tenang, Berat (Quiet, Serious)
Naqeebah : Pemimpin, Kepala, Kepala (Leader, Head, Chief)
Naraiman : Saleh malaikat (Pious angel)
Nargis : Narcissus (Narcissus)
Narjis : Narsisis (Narcissus)
Narmin : Sebuah bunga, halus, lembut, ramping (A flower, delicate, soft, slender)
Naseeka : Nusuk (arab pengorbanan), sepotong emas (Nusuk (arabic sacrifice), piece of gold)
Naseemah : Breeze (Breeze)
Naseerah : Helper (Helper)
Nasha : Aroma, parfum (Scent, perfume)
Nasheed : Indah satu (Beautiful one)
Nasheelah : Madu sisir (Honey comb)
Nashema : Wise, Blossom (Wise, Blossom)
Nashida : Mahasiswa (Student)
Nashirah : Penerbit, Diffuser; Spreader (Publisher, Diffuser; Spreader)
Nashita : Energik, penuh dengan kehidupan (Energetic, full of life)
Nashitah : Aktif, energik (Active, energetic)
Nashmia : Taman bunga (Garden of flowers)
Nashwa : Fragrance, parfum, yang meracuni (Fragrance, perfume, that which intoxicates)
Nasifah : Hanya, adil (Just, equitable)
Nasiha : Orang yang memberikan nasihat berharga (One who gives valuable advice)
Nasihah : Advisor (Advisor)
Nasim : Udara segar, angin (Fresh air, breeze)
Nasimah : Lembut angin, angin sepoi-sepoi (Gentle breeze, zephyr)
Nasira : Menang, pembantu (Victorious, helper)
Nasirah : Penolong, pelindung (Helper, protector)
Nasmah : Angin sepoi-sepoi (Breeze)
Nasra : Helper (Helper)
Nasreen : Wild Rose (Wild Rose)
Nasrin : Eglantier (Eglantier)
Nasrullah : Kemenangan Allah (Victory of Allah)
Natasha : Kuat (Strong)
Nathifa : Bersih, murni (Clean, pure)
Naureen : Terang cahaya (Bright light)
Naushaba : Elixir (Elixir)
Nausheen : Manis, menyenangkan, menyenangkan (Sweet, pleasant, agreeable)
Naveen : Baru, Bagus, Sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada yang lain (New, Excellent, Something that is better than the rest)
Navil : Untuk diberkati (To be blessed)
Nawal : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawar : Bunga, salah satu perbuatan buruk yang tidak disukai (Flower; one who dislikes bad deeds)
Naweed : Kabar baik (Good news)
Nawel : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawlah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Nawrah : Blossom, bunga, kebahagiaan (Blossom, flower, happiness)
Nawwal : Hadiah (Gift)
Nawwar : Mei (May)
Nayyab : Sangat Langka, eksklusif (Very Rare, Exclusive)
Nayyirah : Termasyhur (Luminary)
Nazahah, Nazaaha : Kemurnian, kebenaran, kejujuran (Purity, righteousness, honesty)
Nazeefah : Bersihkan (Clean)
Nazeerah : Warner (Warner)
Nazia : Bangga (Pride)
Nazihah, Nazeeha : Jujur (Honest)
Nazimah : Administrator (Administrator)
Nazirah : Pengamat, pengawas (Observer, supervisor)
Nazirah, Nazeera : Seperti, sama, cocok (Like, equal, matching)
Nazish : Wewangian, Bangga (Fragrance, Proud)
Nazmin : Cahaya (Light)
Nazneen : Indah (Beautiful)
Nazuk : Delicate (Delicate)
Neelam : Sapphire (Sapphire)
Neelofer : Lotus, Water Lily (Lotus, Water Lily)
Neeshad : Ceria (Cheerful)
Neha : Cinta, hujan (Love, rain)
Nejat : Kebebasan, bebas stres (Freedom, stress free)
Nelam : Berharga batu (Precious stone)
Nelofar : Lotus, Air lily (Lotus, Water lily)
Nesrin : Sebuah bidang mawar liar (A field of wild roses)
Ni'ja : Tersimpan One (Saved One)
Ni'mah : Blessing, meminjamkan, nikmat (Blessing, loan, favour)
Nibal, Nibaal : Panah (Arrows)
Nibras : Lampu, cahaya (Lamp, light)
Nida : Memanggil (Call)
Nidaa : Menelepon (Call)
Nidda : Menelepon (Call)
Nigar : Indah (Beautiful)
Nighat : Visi, penglihatan (Vision, sight)
Nihad : Tinggi (Height)
Nihal : Minum (Drink)
Nijah : Sukses (Success)
Nilofar : Bunga teretai (Waterlily)
Nilofer : Gunung Wild Rose (Wild Mountain Rose)
Nimah, Naeema : Blessing, pinjaman (Blessing, loan)
Nimat : Berkat (Blessing)
Nimat, Nimaat : Berkah, pinjaman (Blessings, loans)
Nimra : Lembut, Lion (Soft, Lion)
Nina : Satu Pemurah (Gracious One)
Nisa : Perempuan (Women)
Nisha : Seluruh Dunia (Whole World)
Nishat : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Nisreen : Bunga (Flower)
Nisrin : Jenis tanaman aromatik (Kind of aromatic plant)
Nissa : Anggun (Ladylike)
Niyaf : Tinggi dan cukup (Tall and pretty)
Noor Jehan : Sebuah Ratu India memiliki nama ini (An Indian Queen had this name)
Noor, Nur : Cahaya (Light)
Noor-Al-Haya : Terang hidup saya (Light of my life)
Nora : Cahaya (Light)
Noreen : Menyenangkan, cerah (Lovable, bright)
Norhan : Cahaya (Light)
Noshaba : Elixir, air kehidupan (Elixir, water of life)
Nosheen : Hal manis (Sweet Thing)
Nouf : Titik tertinggi di gunung (Highest point on a mountain)
Noureen : Cahaya (Light)
Nu'aymah : Nama narator hadits (Name of a narrator of hadith)
Nudar, Nudhar : Emas (Gold)
Nudbah : Ratapan, Scar, Markus (Lament, Scar; Mark)
Nudrat : Singularity (Singularity)
Nuha : Intelijen (Intelligence)
Nuhaa : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Nujud, Nojood : Mulia, bijaksana (Noble, wise)
Numa : Indah dan menyenangkan, kebahagiaan (Beautiful and pleasant; happiness)
Nunah : Lesung pipit di dagu (Dimple in the chin)
Nur al Huda : Cahaya iman (Light of the faith)
Nura : Lampu, misalnya nurul islam, cahaya islam (The light, eg nurul islam, the light of islam)
Nurah : Cahaya (Light)
Nurah, Noorah : Corolla, bunga (Corolla, blossom)
Nuriyah : Radiant, brilian (Radiant, brilliant)
Nurjenna : Terang surga (Light of Paradise)
Nuryn : Cahaya (Light)
Nusaibah, Nusaybah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Nusaybah : Satu dengan garis keturunan yang baik (One with good lineage)
Nusrah : Membantu (Helpful)
Nusrat : Bantuan, Victory (Help, Victory)
Nuwairah, Nuwayrah : Kecil api (Small fire)
Nuwwar : Blossoms, bunga (Blossoms, flowers)
Nuwwarrah : Mekar, bunga (Blossom, flower)
Nuzhah : Perjalanan kesenangan, promenade (Pleasure trip, promenade)
Nuzhat : Keceriaan (Cheerfulness)
Nyasia : Paling indah satu (Most beautiful one)
Nyla : Pemenang, Berprestasi (Winner, Achiever)

Omera : Satu yang dimiliki kepribadian yang inspiratif dan besar, menikmati memiliki sikap positif (One who posses an inspiring and great personality, enjoys having a positive attitude)

Pakeezah : Murni (Pure)
Parveen : Sangat Mulia (Very Noble)

Qabalah : Tanggung jawab (Responsibility)
Qabilah : Menyetujui (Consenting)
Qabool : Diterima (Accepted)
Qadr : Nasib, takdir (Fate, destiny)
Qadriyah : percaya pada Tuhan akan (to believe in Gods will)
Qadriyyah : Kuat (Strong)
Qailah : Orang yang berbicara (One who speaks)
Qamar : Purnama (Full moon)
Qamayr : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Qaniah : Berpendapat (Contended)
Qaraah : Mega kecil (Cloudlet)
Qarasafahl : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Qareebah : Dekat (Near)
Qasoomah : Dia penyair a (She was a poetess)
Qaylah : Dua wanita sahabat memiliki nama ini (Two women companions had this name)
Qaymayriyah : Dia adalah seorang mahasiswa Hadis (She was a student of Hadith)
Qaysar : Sebuah nama perempuan (A name of women)
Qindeel : Cahaya (Light)
Qirat : Indah Zikir (Beautiful Recitation)
Qisaf : Rapuh (Brittle)
Qismah : Takdir, nasib, ditahbiskan oleh Allah (Destiny, fate, ordained by God)
Qiyyama : Berdirilah untuk Allah (Stand for Allah)
Quadriyyah : Kuat (Strong)
Qubilah : Kerukunan (Concord)
Quddusiyyah : Suci, saleh (Sacred, Pious)
Qudsiyah : Mulia, suci (Glorious, sacred)
Quraybah : Utricle (Utricle)
Qurratul Ayn : Nikmat mata, Sayang (Delights of the eye, darling)
Qutaylah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Qutayyah : Dia adalah seorang mahasiswa Hadis (She was a student of Hadith)

Raameen : Patuh (Obedient)
Rabab : Putih awan (White cloud)
Rabeea : Musim semi, taman (Springtime, garden)
Rabia : Spring, musim semi (Spring, Springtime)
Rabiah, Rabeea : Taman, musim semi (Garden, springtime)
Rabitah : Bond, dasi (Bond, tie)
Rabiya : Putri, Ratu (Princess, Queen)
Rabiyah : Bukit (Hill)
Radeyah : Konten, puas (Content, satisfied)
Radiyah, Radhiya : Konten, puas (Content, satisfied)
Radwa, Radhwaa : sebuah gunung di Madinah (a mountain in Medina)
Raeesah : Putri; wanita Noble (Princess; Noble lady)
Rafa, Rafa : Kebahagiaan, kemakmuran (Happiness, prosperity)
Rafah : Menyenangkan hidup, mewah (Pleasant, luxurious life)
Rafah, Rafat : Rahmat (Mercy)
Rafal : untuk jejak pakaian (to trail a garment)
Rafeeqah : Teman; Soft-hati (Friend; Soft-hearted)
Rafia : Tinggi, Sublime (High, Sublime)
Rafiah : Luhur, indah (Sublime, exquisite)
Rafidah : Mendukung (Support)
Rafif : untuk bersinar, berkilau (to gleam, shimmer)
Rafiqah : Teman, teman (Friend, companion)
Raghad : Menyenangkan (Pleasant)
Raghad or Raghda : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Raghibah : Menginginkan, berkeinginan (Desiring, desirous)
Raghidah : Nyaman (Pleasant)
Raha : Tenang (Peaceful)
Rahaf : Halus, baik (Delicate, fine)
Raheemah : Penyayang (Merciful)
Rahila : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Rahilah : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Rahimah : Penyayang, penuh kasih (Merciful, compassionate)
Rahiq : Madu bunga (Nectar)
Rahma : Mercy (Mercy)
Rahmaa : Untuk kasihanilah (To have mercy upon)
Rahmah : Rahmat (Mercy)
Raidah : Pemimpin, perintis (Leader, pioneer)
Raidah, Raaida : Pemimpin (Leader)
Raifah : Penyayang (Merciful)
Raihana : Keharuman mawar (The fragrance of a rose)
Raima : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Raiqah : Jelas, Murni, tidak terganggu (Clear, Pure, Undisturbed)
Raitah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Raja, Raja : Berharap (Hope)
Rajiyah : Berharap, dengan penuh harapan (Hoping, full of hope)
Rameesha : Sekelompok mawar (A bunch of roses)
Ramia : Pengirim (Sender)
Ramlah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Ramsha : Wajah seperti bulan (Face like moon)
Ramzia : Hadiah (Gift)
Ramziyah : Simbolis (Symbolic)
Rana : Untuk menatap, melihat (To gaze, look)
Rand : Bay laurel (Bay laurel)
Randa : Pohon aroma yang baik (Tree of good scent)
Rania : Ratu (Queen)
Ranim, Raneem : Untuk membaca dengan suara bernyanyi lagu (To recite in a sing song voice)
Raniyah, Raniya : Menatap (Gazing)
Ranya : Conquerer (Conquerer)
Rasha : Muda kijang (Young gazelle)
Rashad : Lurus (Straight)
Rasheedah : Cerdas satu, Sober (Intelligent one, Sober)
Rashida : Cerdas, Sober (Intelligent, Sober)
Rashidah, Rasheeda : Bijaksana, dewasa (Wise, mature)
Rasmiyah : Resmi, formal (Official, formal)
Rawah : Pesona, keindahan, kemegahan (Charm, beauty, splendor)
Rawdah, Rawdha : Taman (Garden)
Rawhah : Senang (Nice)
Rawhiyah : Kerohanian (Spirituality)
Rawiah, Raawiya : Transmitter dari puisi Arab kuno (Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry)
Raya : Kenyang dengan minuman (Sated with drink)
Rayann : Its pintu surga yang terbuka di bulan ramadhan (Its the door of heaven that opens in the month of ramadhan)
Rayhanah : Aromatik manis kemangi (Aromatic sweet basil)
Rayya : Cahaya (Light)
Rayya, Rayyaa : Kenyang dengan minuman (Sated with drink)
Razaanah : Orang yang tenang (One who is calm)
Razan : Seimbang (Balanced)
Razan, Razaan : Kepekaan dan rasa hormat (Sensibility and respect)
Razia : Konten, Puas (Content, Satisfied)
Reeha : Air (Air)
Reem : Gazelle indah (Beautiful Gazelle)
Reema : Putih antalope (White antalope)
Reham : Hujan turun (Rain drops)
Rehana : Sebuah handfull selasih (A handfull of sweet basil)
Rehemat : Hadiah (Gift)
Reja : Baik berita (Good News)
Reshma : Emas Sutra, Mahal (Golden Silk, Expensive)
Reyah : Kenyamanan (Comfort)
Reyhana : Manis berbau bunga surga (Sweet smelling flower of paradise)
Rida : Disukai oleh Allah (Favored by God)
Rifaat : Ketinggian, Tinggi, Tinggi (Altitude, Height, High)
Riffat : Tinggi (High)
Rihab : Luasnya, hamparan (Vastness, expanse)
Riham : Tahan hujan, baik (Lasting, fine rain)
Rihana : Selasih (Sweet basil)
Rija : Keinginan, Harapan (Desire, Hope)
Rijja : Surga kecantikan (Heavens beauty)
Rim, Reem : Gazelle (Gazelle)
Rima, Reema : Putih kijang (White antelope)
Rimsha : Seikat bunga (Bunch of flowers)
Rizqin : Baik keberuntungan (Good fortune)
Rizwana : Indah, Guardian dari surga (Beautiful, Guardian of heaven)
Rohaan : Sebuah sungai di surga (A river in paradise)
Romana : Delima, Buah dari surga (Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise)
Romeesa : Surga kecantikan (Heavens beauty)
Rona : Bersinar cahaya (Shining light)
Roshini : Light, noor (Light, noor)
Rua : Mimpi, visi (Dreams, visions)
Ruaa : Tak bisa dilihat (Invisable)
Rubaa : Bukit, tinggi (Hills, height)
Rubaba : Rose (Rose)
Rubadah : Abu berwarna (Ash colored)
Rubi : Merah permata (Red gem)
Rubina : Diberkati dengan cinta, air terjun (Blessed with love, waterfall)
Rubiya : Musim semi musim (Spring season)
Rudainah, Rudaynah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rufaidah, Rufaydah : Mendukung (Support)
Ruhee : Jiwa, bunga, yang menyentuh hati (Soul, a flower, who touches the heart)
Ruhina : Manis fragrence (Sweet fragrence)
Rukan : Mantap, percaya diri (Steady, confident)
Rukayat : orang yang mencintai Allah (one who Allah loves)
Rukhsana : Indah (Beautiful)
Rukhsar : Pipi (Cheek)
Ruksha : Indah (Beautiful)
Rumailah, Rumaylah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rumaisa : Seikat bunga (Bunch of flowers)
Rumaithah, Rumaythah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Rumana : Romantis, mencintai (Romantic, loving)
Rumeha : Indah Batu (Beautiful Stone)
Ruqaya : Putri Nabi (SAW) (Daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Ruqayya : Lembut, nama putri Nabi (SAW) (Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet (SAW))
Ruqayyah : Putri dari Muhammad Nabi (SAW) (The daughter of the prophet Muhammed (SAW))
Ruqayyah, Ruqayya : Lembut, nama putri Nabi (Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet)
Rushd : Masuk akal perilaku (Sensible conduct)
Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah : Berjalan lembut (Walking gently)
Ruyah : Mimpi, visi (Dream, vision)

Saadia : Lucky (Lucky)
Saadiya : Bunga (Flower)
Saaleha : Bunga (Flower)
Saaliha : Murni pios dan setia (Pure pios and devoted)
Saba : Sheba, sebuah kota di Yaman (Sheba, a town in Yemen)
Sabaa : angin bagus (a nice wind)
Sabah : Pagi (Morning)
Sabburah : Sangat sabar, abadi (Very patient, enduring)
Sabeen : Dingin angin pagi (Cool breeze of the morning)
Sabeeyah : Bayi perempuan (Baby girl)
Sabiha : Indah (Beautiful)
Sabihah : Indah (Beautiful)
Sabina : Bunga (Flower)
Sabiqah : Terakhir (Past)
Sabirah : Pasien, gigih (Patient, perseverant)
Sabirah, Saabira : Pasien (Patient)
Sabr : Kesabaran kontrol, diri (Patience, self control)
Sabrina : Mawar putih (White rose)
Sabriyah : Pasien (Patient)
Sabuhi : Bintang timur (Morning Star)
Sadad : Tepat hal yang harus dilakukan, tangan beruntung (Right thing to do, lucky hand)
Sadaf : Shell, tiram, Pearl (Shell, Oyster, Pearl)
Sadah : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Sadiah : Selamat mencoba (Good luck)
Sadiqah : Jujur, tulus (Truthful, sincere)
Sadiyah : Beruntung (Fortunate)
Sadoof : Nama penyair a (Name of a poetess)
Saeedah : Beruntung, Menguntungkan (Fortunate, Auspicious)
Safa : Murni (Pure)
Safaa : Kejelasan, kemurnian, ketenangan, nama sebuah bukit di Makkah (Clarity, purity, serenity; name of a hill in Makkah)
Safeerah : Messenger; Duta Besar (Messenger; Ambassador)
Saffanah : Mutiara (Pearl)
Saffiya : Terbaik freind (Best freind)
Safia : Murni (Pure)
Safiyya : Sahabat (Best friend)
Safiyyah : Tak terganggu, tenang, murni teman, terbaik (Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend)
Safiyyah, Safiya : Tak terganggu, tenang, murni teman, terbaik, istri Nabi (Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend; wife of the Prophet)
Safoorah : Istri Nabi Musa (AS) (Wife of Prophet Musa (AS))
Safun : Breezing (Breezing)
Safwah : Sebuah nama feminin Arab (An Arab feminine name)
Safwana : Sebuah Shining Star, Rock (A Shining Star, Rock)
Sageda : Sageda adalah (Sageda is )
Sagheerah : Pendek (Short)
Sahar : Fajar (Dawn)
Sahibah : Rekan (Colleague)
Sahirah : Terjaga (Wakeful)
Sahlah : Mudah, nyaman (Easy, convenient)
Sahlah, Sahla : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Sahrish : Sunrise (Sunrise)
Saibah : Dia adalah seorang narator hadits (She was a narrator of hadith)
Saida : Terindah, tak tertandingi, friendly (Most Beautiful, unmatched, friendly)
Saidah : Happy beruntung (Happy, fortunate)
Saihah : Baik, berguna (Good, useful)
Saila : Sunshine (Sunshine)
Saima : Terus puasa (Keeps fasts)
Saimah : Puasa (Fasting)
Saiqa : Petir (Lightning)
Saira : Happy (Happy)
Sairah : Satu yang bepergian (One who travels)
Sairish : Magic, bunga (Magic, flower)
Saja : harus tenang dan tenang (to be calm and quiet)
Sajidah : Bersujud kepada Allah (Prostrating to God)
Sakeenah : Tenang, tenang dan tenang (Calm, quiet and tranquil)
Sakina : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sakinah : Allah-terinspirasi ketenangan pikiran (Allah-inspired peace of mind)
Sakinah, Sakeena : Allah yang diilhami ketenangan pikiran, ketenangan (God inspired peace of mind, tranquility)
Saleemah : Sehat, Sound (Healthy, Sound)
Salifah : Sebelumnya (Previous)
Salihah : Benar, menyenangkan (Correct, agreeable)
Salikah : Berikut; Mystic (Following; Mystic)
Salimah : Suara, aman, sehat (Sound, safe, healthy)
Salimah, Saleema : Damai, sempurna, sempurna, aman, sehat (Peaceful, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy)
Salma : Damai, aman, sehat, istri Nabi (Peaceful, safe, healthy; a wife of the Prophet)
Salmaa : Damai (Peaceful)
Salsabil : Sebuah air mancur di Surga (A fountain in Paradise)
Salsabil, Salsabeel : Musim semi di Jannah (Spring in Jannah)
Salwa : Solace; puyuh (Solace; quail)
Samaa : Sky (Sky)
Samah : Kedermawanan (Generosity)
Samah, Samaah : Kemurahan hati (Generosity)
Samaira : Memikat (Enchanting)
Samar : Malam percakapan (Evening conversation)
Samarah : Lembut cahaya (Soft light)
Samawah : Summit, tinggi (Summit, height)
Sameea : Salah satu yang mendengarkan (One who listens)
Sameeha : Dermawan berkat Allah (Generous blessing of Allah)
Sameen : Berharga (Precious)
Sameenah : Kelebihan berat badan, lemak (Overweight, fat)
Sameh : Pengampun (Forgiver)
Sameya : Murni (Pure)
Samia : Ta'ala, mulia, banyak dipuji (Exalted, noble, much praised)
Samiah : Forgivness atau pemberi ampun (Forgivness or forgiver)
Samihah, Sameeha : Murah hati (Generous)
Samina : Berharga, Dermawan (Precious, Generous)
Samira : Menelepon (Call)
Samirah : Menghibur teman wanita (Entertaining female companion)
Samirah, Sameera : Menghibur teman wanita (Entertaining female companion)
Samiun : Mendengar (The Hearing)
Samiya : Untuk mendengar (To hear)
Samiyah : Tinggi, mulia, luhur (Elevated, exalted, lofty)
Samiyah, Saamiya : Tinggi, exhalted, tinggi (Elevated, exhalted, lofty)
Sammar : Buah (Fruit)
Samra : Lembut warna, cahaya kecokelatan (Soft, light tanned color)
Samrah : Nama buah, ditulis dalam 24 kali Quran (Name of a fruit, written in the Quran 24 times)
Sana : Kemewahan, kecemerlangan, untuk menatap, lihat (Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze, look)
Sana, Sanaa : Eminence, keagungan, Brilliance, kemegahan (Eminence, sublimity, Brilliance, splendor)
Sanam : Kekasih (Beloved)
Sanari : Manis dan Indah (Sweet and Beautiful)
Sanaubar : Cone bantalan pohon (Cone bearing tree)
Sanika : Kuat berpikiran, hangat hati (Strong minded, warm hearted)
Saniyah : Kemewahan, kecerdasan (Resplendence, brilliance)
Sanjeedah : Berat (Serious)
Sara : Princess (Princess)
Sarah : Nama istri Nabi Ibrahim (Name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim)
Sarina : Perdamaian (Peace)
Sarish : Pagi (Morning)
Sarra : Dia adalah seorang teman wanita (She was a female companion)
Sarrinah : Indah, sahabat nabi (SAW) (Beautiful, companion of prophet (SAW))
Sarwari : Officer (Chief)
Sarwat : Kekayaan, Kekuasaan, Pengaruh (Wealth, Power, Influence)
Sarwath : Kekayaan, kekayaan (Wealth, riches)
Sauda, Sawdah : Istri Nabi (Wife of the Prophet)
Sawdah : Seorang istri Nabi (SAW) (A wife of the Prophet (SAW))
Sawsan : Lily dari lembah (Lily of the valley)
Sayyidah : Lady, wanita (Lady, woman)
Seemeen : Nama beberapa wanita (Name of some women)
Seerat : Dalam kecantikan, ketenaran (Inner beauty, fame)
Sehr : Sunrise (Sunrise)
Sehrish : Matahari terbit (The sunrise)
Selina : Bulan, asin (Moon, Salty)
Senada : Anggun, surgawi (Graceful, heavenly)
Senait : Good Luck (Good Luck)
Sfiyah : Adil (Righteous)
Shabana : Terkenal (Famous)
Shabeehah : Gambar, Foto, Suka (Picture, Image, Like)
Shabina : Mata badai (The eye of the storm)
Shabnam : Dew (Dew)
Shadan : Muda kijang (Young gazelle)
Shadha : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shadha, Shadhaa : Aroma (Aroma)
Shadhiyah : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shadiyah : Penyanyi (Singer)
Shadmani : Joy, kebahagiaan (Joy, happiness)
Shafana : Integritas dan bajik (Integrity and Virtuous)
Shafaq : Dawn Kemerahan di langit saat matahari terbenam (Dawn Redness in the sky at sunset)
Shafath : Curing atau menyembuhkan orang (Curing or healing people)
Shafeeqah : Semacam penuh kasih teman hati (A compassionate kind hearted friend)
Shafia : Mercy (Mercy)
Shafiah : Pendoa syafaat (Intercessor)
Shafiqah : Penuh kasih, simpatik (Compassionate, sympathetic)
Shahada : Bersaksi (Bearing witness)
Shahana : Ratu (Queen)
Shahd : Sayang, sarang lebah (Honey, honeycomb)
Shahed : Madu (Honey)
Shaheenah : Falcon (Falcon)
Shaheerah : Terkenal (Well-known)
Shahida : Saksi (Witness)
Shahidah : Menyaksikan (Witness)
Shahina : Princess (Princess)
Shahirah : Terkenal, terkenal (Well known, famous)
Shahla : Gelap bunga, mata abu-abu gelap (Dark flower, Dark grey eyes)
Shahlah : Blush (Blush)
Shahnaaz : Kebanggaan raja (Pride of the king)
Shahnaz : Bride (Bride)
Shahnoor : Kerajaan Glow (Royal Glow)
Shahrazad : Teller dari "Kisah 1001 Malam" (Teller of "Tales of 1,001 Nights")
Shahzaadee : Princess (Princess)
Shaila : Kecil gunung (Small mountain)
Shairah : Penyair (Poetess)
Shaista : Sopan (Polite)
Shaistah : Sopan, sopan (Polite, Courteous)
Shajarah : Pohon (Tree)
Shajee'ah : Berani (Brave)
Shakeelah : Cantik, indah (Comely, beautiful)
Shakila : Cantik (Pretty)
Shakirah : Berterimakasih (Thankful)
Shakurah : Bersyukur, sangat bersyukur (Grateful, very thankful)
Shalimar : Indah & Kuat (Beautiful & Strong)
Shama : Lampu (Lamp)
Shamailah : Baik sifat disposisi yang sangat baik (Good traits excellent disposition)
Shamamah : Fragrance (Fragrance)
Shameemah : Angin sepoi harum (A fragrant breeze)
Shamila : Salah satu sifat ramah dan menyenangkan (One of friendly and likable nature)
Shamilah : Lengkap, komprehensif (Complete, comprehensive)
Shamima : Wangi angin (Fragrant breeze)
Shamis : Matahari (The sun)
Shamoodah : Diamond (Diamond)
Shams : Matahari (Sun)
Shamsa : Sunshine (Sunshine)
Shamsia : Cantik, Shining Star, Satu dan hanya (Beautiful, Shining Star, One and only)
Shanaz : Kebanggaan Raja (Pride of King)
Shanika : Bagus (Good)
Shanum : Allah SWT berkat, martabat (Allahs blessing, dignity)
Shaqeeqah : Nyata adik (Real sister)
Shareekah : Mitra (Partner)
Shareen : Manis (Sweet)
Sharifah : Mulia, terhormat, dibedakan (Noble, honoured, distinguished)
Sharifah, Shareefa, Sherrifah : Mulia, terhormat (Noble, honored)
Shariqah : Bersinar (Shining)
Sharmeela : Shy (Shy)
Sharmeen : Shy (Shy)
Sharmin : Kesopanan (Modesty)
Shasmeen : Sangat indah, hati emas, dapat dipercaya, malaikat, sempurna (Very beautiful, a heart of gold , trustworthy, an angel , perfect)
Shatha : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Shawq : Kerinduan (Longing)
Shayla : Sedikit gunung (Little mountain)
Shayma : Memiliki tempat kecantikan (Having a beauty spot)
Shayma, Shaymaa : untuk melihat keluar (to look out)
Shazana : Princess (Princess)
Shazfa : Sukses (Success)
Shazia : Aromatik (Aromatic)
Shazmah : Langka bulan (Rare moon)
Sheenaz : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Shehla : Jenis bunga (Kind of a flower)
Shehr bano : Princess (Princess)
Shehzadi : Princess (Princess)
Sheila : Sedikit gunung (Little mountain)
Shellah : Truely, Jenis orang, Indah (Truely, Kind person , Beautiful)
Sheyla : Pine pohon (Pine tree)
Sheza : Baik (agama) gadis (Good (religious) girl)
Shezan : Indah (Beautiful)
Shifa : Curing, penyembuhan (Curing, healing)
Shihaam : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Shillan : Sebuah bunga (A flower)
Shimah : Alam, kebiasaan (Nature, habit)
Shimaz : Kekasih (Beloved)
Shireen : Manis (Sweet)
Shiya : Luar biasa (Exceptional)
Shiyam : Alam, karakter (Nature, character)
Shiza : Sebuah hadiah atau hadir (A gift or present)
Shu'a : Sinar cahaya Matahari (Rays of Sun light)
Shudun : Powerfull, lurus (Powerful, straight)
Shuhda : Sayang, sarang lebah (Honey, honeycomb)
Shuhrah : Ketenaran, reputasi (Fame, reputation)
Shujana : Berani, kuat (Brave, strong)
Shukrah : Rasa syukur (Thankfulness)
Shukriyah : Terima kasih (Of thanks)
Shumaila : Wajah cantik (Beautiful face)
Shumaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Shurafa : Noble (Noble)
Shurooq : Dawn, Sunrise (Dawn, Sunrise)
Shuruq : Rising, bersinar (Rising, shining)
Sibal, Sibaal : Mata dengan bulu mata panjang (Eyes with long lashes)
Siddiqah : Tegak, sangat jujur (Upright, very truthful)
Siddra : Seperti Star a (Like a Star)
Sidra : Pohon (Tree)
Sidrah : Nama pohon (Name of a tree)
Siham : Panah (Arrows)
Siham, Sihaam : Panah (Arrows)
Simah : Tanda, karakteristik, ekspresi (Sign, characteristic, expression)
Simra : Surga, putri (Heaven, princess)
Simrah : Jannat (surga) (Jannat (heaven))
Sirah : Lihat "Sarah" (See "Sarah")
Sirin, Sireen : Istri pendamping nabi Hassan bin Tsabit (Wife of Prophets companion Hassan ibn Thabit)
Sitarah : Star (Star)
Siyana : Perlindungan (Protection)
Sobia : Baik dan Mulia Girl (Good and Noble Girl)
Sofia : Kebijaksanaan (Wisdom)
Somaya : Taman yang indah dikelilingi dengan mawar dan bunga (Beautiful garden surrounded with roses and flowers)
Sonia : Cantik, sangat indah (Pretty, very beautiful)
Soraiya : Princess (Princess)
Soraya : Indah (Beautiful)
Sorfina : Bersih, rapi, bebas dari kotoran (Clean, neat, free from dirt)
Souhayla : Star (Star)
Su'ad : Baik keberuntungan (Good fortune)
Suad, Souad : Daulat (Good fortune)
Subaha : Indah (Beautiful)
Subbiha : Bersih, rapi (Clean, tidy)
Subhaan : Memuji Allah (Praising Allah)
Subhah : di pagi hari (in the morning)
Subhiyah : dari pagi hari (of the morning)
Subuhi : Angin dingin dari pagi (The cold breeze of morning)
Suda : Happy beruntung (Happy, lucky)
Sudi : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sufia : Seseorang yang mengikuti tasawuf - jantung Bersih (A person who follows Sufism - Clean heart)
Sughra : Kecil (Small)
Suha : Nama bintang (Name of a star)
Suhailah, Suhaylah : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Suhaimah, Suhaymah : Kecil panah (Small arrow)
Suhair, Suhayr : Nama diri (Proper name)
Suhaylah : Halus, lembut, lancar, mengalir (Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing)
Suhaymah : Kecil panah (Small arrow)
Suhayr : Tepat nama (Proper name)
Suheera : Indah (Beautiful)
Sukainah, Sukaynah : Charming, menyenangkan (Charming, likable)
Sukaynah : Tenang, ketenangan (Calm, Quietude)
Sulafah : Terpilih (Choicest)
Sultanah : Sultaness (Sultaness)
Sumaira, Sumayra : Kecil dari Samra (Diminutive of Samra)
Sumaiya : Murni (Pure)
Sumanah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Sumara : Entertainer (Entertainer)
Sumayrah : Kecoklatan (Brownish)
Sumaytah : Dia pendamping (She was a companion)
Sumbul : Lemah, Delicate (Frail, Delicate)
Sumlina : Bintang Kejora (Morning Star)
Summar : Buah, Hadiah (Fruit, Gifts)
Summaya : Wanita pertama yang memperoleh shahadat dalam Islam (The first lady who obtained shahadat in Islam)
Summayyah : Pertama martir Islam (First martyr of Islam)
Sumnah : Nama seorang gadis Arab (FH) (Name of an Arab girl (FH))
Sumra : Buah, buah musim panas (Fruit, summer fruit)
Sunbul : Spikes gabah (Spikes of grain)
Sundas : Pakaian dari surga (Dress of heaven)
Sundus : Sutra brokat (Silk brocade)
Sunya : Sunshine, kecerahan (Sunshine, brightness)
Sura, Suraa : untuk melakukan perjalanan pada malam hari (to travel by night)
Suraiya : Sopan (Polite)
Suraya : Star (Star)
Suwaydah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Swiyyah : Sedikit s  (Little one)
Tabalah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Tabassum : Tersenyum (Smiling)
Tabinda : Cerah, bersinar (Bright, shining)
Tafida : Paradise (Mesir nama) (Paradise (egyptian name))
Taghrid : Menyanyi (seperti burung) (Singing (as a bird))
Tahani : Selamat (Congratulations)
Tahera : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahira : Kudus, Murni (Holy, Pure)
Tahirah : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahirah, Taahira : Murni, suci (Pure, chaste)
Tahiyah : Salam (Greeting)
Tahiyat : Haiyaa (Greetings)
Tahseenah : Tepuk tangan sorak (Acclaim)
Taibah : Bertobat (Repentant)
Taima, Tayma : Oasis di Northwest Saudi (Oasis in Northwest Arabia)
Takiyah : Saleh, orang benar (Pious, righteous)
Talah, Taalah : Muda pohon kelapa (Young palm tree)
Talibah : Seeker setelah pengetahuan (Seeker after knowledge)
Tamadur : Cemerlang (Brilliant)
Tamara : Tanggal pohon (Date tree)
Tameemah : Nama penyair a (Name of a poetess)
Tanisha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Tanweer : Radiant, llluminating (Radiant, Illuminating)
Tanzeela : Wahyu, Menerima dengan ramah (Revelation, Receiving hospitably)
Taqiyah : Waspada Allah (Heedful of God)
Taqwa, Taqwaa : Kesalehan, kekhusyukan, penuh perhatian Allah (Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God)
Tara : Star (Star)
Tarub : Gembira (Merry)
Tasheen : Pernah ambisius (Ever Ambitious)
Tasneem : Fountain of paridise (Fountain of paridise)
Tasnim : Fountain di surga (Fountain in paradise)
Tawbah : Repentence (Repentence)
Taybah : Murni (Pure)
Tayyibah : Baik, menyenangkan, menyenangkan (Good, pleasant, agreeable)
Tazim : Hormat (Respect)
Tazkia : Khusus, unik (Special, Unique)
Tazmeen : Satu memiliki sifat baik, sifat & kebiasaan (One having good qualities, nature & habits)
Tehzeeb : Hormat (Respect)
Thabitah : Perusahaan (Firm)
Thaminah : Mulia, murah hati (Precious, generous)
Thana : Syukur, pujian (Thankfulness, praise)
Thana, Thanaa : Syukur, pujian, pujian (Thankfulness, commendation, praise)
Thara : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Thara, Tharaa : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Tharwah : Kekayaan (Wealth)
Tharya : Nama seorang wanita yang saleh (Name of a pious woman)
Thashin : Tepuk tangan sorak (Acclaim)
Thawab : Menghargai (Reward)
Thoraya : Star (Star)
Thufailah : Elegan dengan hormat baik untuk orang tua nya (Elegant with good respect for her elders)
Thuml : Nama seorang wanita terhormat awal (Name of an early distinguished woman)
Thuraiya, Thurayya : Bintang, konstelasi Pleiades (Star, constellation Pleiades)
Thurayya : Star (Star)
Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah : Layak mendapatkan hadiah Dewa (Deserving of Gods reward)
Thuwaybah : Nama salah satu basah-perawat dari Nabi (SAW) (Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet (SAW))
Tibah : Kebaikan, kebaikan (Goodness, kindness)
Tisha : Dia yang aktif, hidup (One who is active, lively)
Tuba : Nama sebuah pohon di surga (The name of a tree in heaven)
Tuba, Tubaa : Berkat, beautitude (Blessedness, beautitude)
Tulayhah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Tumadur : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Tuqa, Tuqaa : Penuh perhatian Allah (Heedfulness of God)

Ubab, Ubaab : Gelombang hujan, berat (Waves, heavy rain)
Ubah : Bunga (Flower)
Udaysah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Uhud : Komitmen, janji, delegasi (Commitment, pledge, delegation)
Ujala : Cahaya alam semesta (Light of the universe)
Ula : Paling atas, tertinggi (Uppermost, highest)
Ulfah : Harmony, keintiman (Harmony, intimacy)
Umaiza : Cerah, indah dan lembut hati (Bright, beautiful and soft hearted)
Umamah : Muda ibu; nama cucu nabi (Young mother; name of the Prophets granddaughter)
Umaymah : Ibu muda (Young mother)
Umaynah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Umayrah : Dia adalah putri dari Alqamah (She was the daughter of Alqamah)
Umm Kalthum : Nama putri Nabi (Name of the Prophets daughter)
Umm Kulthum : Satu dengan wajah bulat (One with round face)
Umm-e-kulsum : Ibu dari Kulsum (The mother of kulsum)
Ummayyah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Umnia : Hadiah (Gift)
Umniyah : keinginan, cita-cita (a wish, an aspiration)
Unaysah : Ramah; ramah (Friendly; Affable)
Urshia : Orang yang termasuk dalam langit (One who belongs in the skies)
Usaimah, Usaymah : Lama Arab nama (Old Arabic name)
Utaybah : Seorang narator Hadis (A narrator of Hadith)
Uwaisah, Uwaysah : Bilberry, whortleberry (Bilberry, whortleberry)
Uzma : Terbesar (Greatest)

Vardah : Mawar (Rose)
Varisha : Petir (Lightning)

Waajidah : Orang yang acheives tujuan hidupnya, dicintai, tercinta (One who acheives her goals in life, loved, beloved)
Wabisa : Terang sesuatu (Something Bright)
Wad : Janji (Promise)
Wadha, Wadhaa : Terang (Bright)
Wadiah : Tenang, damai (Calm, peaceable)
Wafa, Wafaa : Kesetiaan (Faithfulness)
Wafeeqah : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiqah : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiqah, Wafeeqa : Sukses (Successful)
Wafiyah : Setia, setia (Loyal, faithful)
Wafiza : Udara segar (Fresh air)
Wagma : Pagi angin, embun (Morning breeze, dew)
Wahabah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair (This was the name of a poetess)
Wahbiyah : Pemberian (Giving)
Wahibah : Pemberi, donor (Giver, donor)
Wahidah : Eksklusif, unik (Exclusive, unique)
Wahuj : Pertama terang hari, Dawn, New Beginning (First light of day, Dawn, New Beginning)
Wajd : Gairah emosi, kuat (Passion, strong emotion)
Wajihah : Terkemuka, dibedakan, terkenal (Eminent, distinguished, notable)
Wakeelah : Agen (Agent)
Wala, Walaa : Loyalitas (Loyalty)
Walidah : Bayi (Newborn)
Walihah : Ini adalah nama sebuah penyair (This was the name of a poetess)
Waliyah : Princess (Princess)
Walladah : Sering memproduksi, produktif (Frequently producing, prolific)
Warda : Guardian, Protector (Guardian, Protector)
Wardah : Rose (Rose)
Wardah, Wordah : Mawar (Rose)
Wareesha : Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
Warqa, Warqaa : Merpati (Pigeon)
Warsan : Benar berita, berita bagus (True news, wonderful news)
Waseefah : Hamba perempuan, Mid-dayang (Female Servant; Mid-in-waiting)
Waseemah : Molek (Comely)
Wasfiyah : Depictive (Depictive)
Wasifah : Dia yang menjelaskan (One who describes)
Wasilah : Terpisahkan teman (Inseparable friend)
Wasimah : Cantik, indah (Pretty, beautiful)
Wasna : Seorang narator Hadis memiliki nama ini (A narrator of Hadith had this name)
Wazeera : Wanita Menteri (Female Minister)
Wiam : Harmony, perjanjian (Harmony, agreement)
Wid : Penuh cinta, kasih sayang (Loving, affectionate)
Widad, Widaad : Cinta, persahabatan (Love, friendship)
Wifaq : Harmony, persetujuan (Harmony, consent)
Wijdan : Ekstasi, sentimen (Ecstacy, sentiment)
Wisal : Komuni dalam kasih (Communion in love)
Wisal, Wisaal : Reunion, kebersamaan, persekutuan cinta (Reunion, being together, communion in love)
Wisam, Wisaam : Medali, lencana kehormatan (Medal, badge of honor)
Wurud : Roses (Roses)

Yafiah : Tinggi (High)
Yakootah : Zamrud (Emerald)
Yalqoot : Seorang wanita awal yang memberikan banyak amal (An early woman who gave much in charity)
Yamamah : Valley di Saudi (Valley in Arabia)
Yamha : Merpati (Dove)
Yaminah : Benar dan tepat; memberkati (Right and proper; blessed)
Yara : Sedikit Butterfly (Little Butterfly)
Yarah : Hangat (Warm)
Yasirah : Lunak (Lenient)
Yasmeenah : Harum bunga (Sweet-smelling flower)
Yasmin, Yasmeen : Melati (Jasmine)
Yasmine : Bunga (Flower)
Yasna : Ini berarti mawar putih di arab (It means white rose in arabic)
Yelda : Gelap malam (Dark night)
Yumn : Baik keberuntungan, sukses (Good fortune, success)
Yumna : Baik keberuntungan, kesuksesan (Good fortune, success)
Yumnah, Yumna : Kanan (Right side)
Yusayrah : Mudah (Easy)
Yusra : Sejahtera (Prosperous)
Yusra, Yusraa : Paling makmur (Most prosperous)
Yusriyah : Paling makmur (Most prosperous)
Yusur : Sejahtera (Prosperous)

Zaahirah : Pengunjung (Guest)
Zaara : Bunga yang indah (Beautiful Flower)
Zaeemah : Pemimpin (Leader)
Zafeerah : Perusahaan (Firm)
Zafirah : Pemenang (Victorious)
Zafirah, Zaafirah : Menang, sukses (Victorious, successful)
Zahabiya : Gold (Gold)
Zahara : Bunga, kecantikan, bintang (Flower, beauty, star)
Zaheen : Cerdas (Intelligent)
Zaheerah : Helper, Asisten (Helper, Assistant)
Zahidah : Pertapa, abstentious (Ascetic, abstentious)
Zahirah : Bersinar, bercahaya (Shining, luminous)
Zahra : Indah (Beautiful)
Zahra, Zahraa : Putih (White)
Zahraa : Lady of Jannah (Lady of Jannah)
Zahrah : Bunga, keindahan, bintang (Flower, beauty, star)
Zahwah : Kecantikan, cantik (Beauty, pretty)
Zaib : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zaid : Pertumbuhan, Meningkatkan (Growth, Increase)
Zain, Zayn : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zaina : Indah (Beautiful)
Zainab : Nabi istri (Prophets wife)
Zainab, Zaynab : pohon dihiasi; nama putri Nabi (an ornamented tree; name of the daughter of the Prophet)
Zairah : Pengunjung (Visitor)
Zakirah : Orang yang mengingat Allah secara teratur (One who remembers Allah regularly)
Zakiyah : Murni (Pure)
Zameelah : Companion (Companion)
Zameena : Cerdas, Intelektual (Intelligent, Intellectual)
Zamrud : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zanubiya : Nama seorang ratu besar Suriah (Name of a great Syrian queen)
Zara : Seterang fajar (Bright as the dawn)
Zareena : Emas (Gold)
Zareenah : Seorang sahabat Nabi (SAW) (A companion of Prophet (SAW))
Zarifah : Kecantikan, cerdas (Beauty, smart)
Zariya : Kecantikan dan cahaya (Beauty and light)
Zarmina : Indah dan berharga emas (Lovely and precious gold)
Zarqa : Biru (Blue)
Zarrah : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zartaj : Ratu (Queen)
Zawiya : Slim Kecantikan (Slim Beauty)
Zayaan : Indah sesuatu (Something beautiful)
Zayb : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Zayba : Perhiasan; Kecantikan (Adornment; Beauty)
Zaynab : Tepat Nama, Nama Putri Nabi (Proper Name, Name of Prophet's Daughter)
Zaynah : Indah (Beautiful)
Zaynah, Zaina : Indah (Beautiful)
Zaytoon : Zaitun (Olive)
Zaytoonah : (A tunggal) Zaitun ((A single) Olive)
Zeba : Kecantikan (Beauty)
Zeena : Ornament, Sesuatu yang indah (Ornament, Something beautiful)
Zeenat : Cantik (Gorgeous)
Zehna : Indah (Beautiful)
Zehra : Bunga (Flower)
Zenia : Bunga (Flower)
Zerina : Putri, Cerdas, kecerdasan (Princess, Smart, Inteligent)
Zia : Cahaya, Splendid (Light, Splendid)
Zilal : Teduh, Shadow (Shade, Shadow)
Zinneerah : Nama sahabiah (Name of a sahabiah)
Ziram : Cahaya (Glow)
Ziya : Cahaya (Light)
ziyada : Pertumbuhan (Growth)
Ziyan : Keanggunan (Elegance)
Zoeya : Kehidupan (Life)
Zoha : Cahaya (Light)
Zoharin : Fajar, terang hari (Dawn, light of day)
Zohra : Venus, permata dari langit (Venus, jewels of sky)
Zohura : Indah, polos dan penuh perhatian (Beautiful, innocent and caring)
Zonira : Batu mulia, Jewel Mahal (Precious Stone, Expensive Jewel)
Zorah : Dawn (Dawn)
Zoufishan : Moonlight (Moonlight)
Zoya : Mencintai & peduli (Loving & caring)
Zubaidah : Sangat baik, nama istri Khalifah Harun Al Rasyid (Excellent; name of the wife of Caliph Harun Al Rashid)
Zubdah : Mentega (Butter)
Zubi : Mencintai dan memahami (Loving and understanding)
Zuha, Zuhaa : Perhiasan (Adornment)
Zuharah : Planet Venus (Planet Venus)
Zuhayra : Keberanian (Courage)
Zuhera : Nama planet (Name of a planet)
Zuhrah : Kecerahan (Brightness)
Zuhur : untuk bunga, mekar, bersinar (to flower, to blossom, to glow)
Zulaykha : Dia adalah seorang narator Hadis (She was a narrator of Hadith)
Zulekha : Brilliant kecantikan (Brilliant beauty)
Zulfa : Pertama bagian dari malam (First part of the night)
Zulfah : Kedekatan, kedekatan (Nearness, closeness)
Zumurrud : Zamrud (Emerald)
Zumurruda : Zamrud (Emerald)
Zumzum : Manis air dari surga (Sweet water of paradise)
Zunairah : Bunga ditemukan di surga (Flower found in paradise)
Zynah : Indah (Beautiful)

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Aprudin, S.Pd.I

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Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
"Banggalah pada dirimu sendiri, Meski ada yang tak menyukai. Kadang mereka membenci karena Mereka tak mampu menjadi seperti dirimu, dan bersyukurlah karena orang yang selalu menemukan alasan untuk bersyukur adalah orang yang jauh lebih kuat dari pada orang yang selalu mencari alasan ‘tuk mengeluh". ""el éxito siempre estará con nosotros"